Deputy Managing Director of IMF, Antoinette M. Sayeh, poignantly stated that “Countries that have strong economic institutions respond more effectively to crises and are better prepared for a resilient recovery. And that is true across any level of development”. We are told by the IMF that, the excruciating economic...
According to the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act, 2010 (Act 798) (‘the ADR Act’), Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a collective description of methods for resolving disputes other than the normal traditional court system. ADR has proven to be an effective means of resolving tax disputes. In other jurisdictions such...
Pavlova is a meringue-based dessert originating from either Australia or New Zealand in the early 20th century. It was named after the Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova. Taking the form of a cake-like circular block of baked meringue, it has a crisp crust and soft, light inside. The confection is usually topped with fruit and whipped cream. Pavlova consists of...
You didn’t think I had just fallen off the face of the Earth, did you? I took some weeks off as my schedules got packed from about a month ago, and it sure does feel good to be back! I shall be here twice a month, at the beginning...
When Western economists and historians analyse China’s spectacular economic transformation over the past four decades, they tend to emphasise the productivity boom unleashed by the start of market-oriented reforms in 1978. But the role of the country’s political elite as a key driver of its emergence as an economic...
The ability to identify your hobby and translate it into a passion is one of the alternative ways of becoming self-reliant and a job creator, not a seeker. This week’s Inspiring Startups interacts with an enthused entrepreneur, Dr. Iddi Mohammed Faried, who despite being a trained doctor has been...
As a newcomer, learning the culture is an important way to integrate into Canadian society. This article is a great guide to customs and traditions of this beautiful country during the holidays and beyond. Canada is a beautiful and welcoming country to live in. From the vast, breathtaking landscape to...
There are many different types of coaching, but the most common type at the C-suite level is executive coaching. Executive coaching involves working with senior leaders or professionals with supervision responsibilities to support them in achieving their full potential. This can be done through one-to-one or group/team sessions where...
“The one nearest to the enemy is the real leader.” – Ugandan proverb My dear Christian, I know we are still welcoming a heart-warming New Year and we are all into feeling good and having a positive attitude. We need to maintain this momentum all-year-round. However, I have had to reach...
Emerging financial technology sector boosts inclusion and liquidity in emerging markets Nonbank entities compete with traditional financial institutions for market share Cryptocurrency uptake remains strong as governments eye e-currency adoption Remittances and informal economies provide resilience amid economic headwinds Even as the global economy grapples with inflation, supply chain...