There are instances where the public agitates about arrests without a warrant. The question for discussion in this article is whether a Police Officer can arrest without a warrant.  As professional law students at the Gambia Law School, Banjul and the Ghana School of Law, Ghana, we examine this...
Over the past few weeks, I have focused on advocating for environmental social governance (ESG) as a vehicle to address critical development and economic issues in both developed and developing countries.  In this article, focus is on the increasing correlation between investing, economic performance and environmental social governance, and...
Fixed deposits, also known as term deposits, are similar to certificates of deposit in that they are a combination of a savings account and an investment vehicle. When a person purchases a fixed deposit, they deposit money into a bank and receive interest payments in return. The interest rates...
…Case studies in avoiding common strategy mistakes In the dynamic and competitive landscape of business, strategy execution is a critical determinant of long-term success. Yet, even with careful planning and initial optimism, companies often find themselves grappling with unexpected challenges and setbacks. It is through the examination of past failures...
For a time, in the aftermath of the global pandemic of COVID-19 and coupled with the Russia-Ukraine war, the world faced possibly the worst economic outlook for a generation. However, their effect on the Ghanaian economy is so pervasive, contrary to the evidence in the context of African nations...
In recent years, economies in Africa have increasingly been exposed to the vagaries of global markets. Whereas previously, periods of economic growth were stimulated by local demand and a sense of national pride with respect to the ability to produce domestically, export markets now dominate driving economic growth. With...
This article is a review of the High Court (Civil Procedure) (Amendment) Rules,2019 (C.I. 122) that amended Order 7 of the High Court (Civil Procedure) Rules, 20004 (C.I. 47) to allow service of a process or document on a party by electronic means. The crafting of C.I. 122 is...
…the foundation of financial success for businesses Bookkeeping and record-keeping are the unsung heroes of financial management for businesses. Whether you're running a small startup or managing a larger enterprise, mastering the basics of maintaining accurate financial records, tracking transactions, and organizing financial documents is essential for tax compliance, regulatory...
…building bridges to success Communication is one of the most important keys I hammer on in my coaching and all my speaking engagements. If you are familiar with my engagements, you would have noticed that I always emphasize communication, communication and more communication as key to all levels of relationships....
Africa’s crop yields are only about 40% of the world average. This is despite more than half of Africa’s workforce being in agriculture, twice  as high as the world average. This means the productivity in Africa’s agricultural sector is only about a fifth of the world average, an enormous...