It’s a new year, and the best time to pay your image maximum attention. Having set your resolutions and goals, it is key to have an image strategy to enhance your goal fulfilment. An image strategy is an action plan concerning the impression you create through your appearance, behaviour...
A fool changeth not his path   Sampling Cocktailing Binging Partying All from a pocket bereft of starving holes   Bread he orders And tables are filled Food he eats For they eat All sorts spread Assorted choices Assorted options Apportioned portions Buffeting in sorts All from a pocket bereft of starving holes   Sampling Designs Colours Designing to fit Wearing to match multiple colours All from a pocket bereft of starving holes   Posing...
Africa is responsible for only about 4 percent of global emissions, and the continent’s institutional environment impedes investment in green energy. However counterintuitive – if not outrageous – it may sound, wealthy countries should instead consider boosting investment in Africa’s carbon-intensive industries. Many in the global development community are pushing...
The long, strung-out debate about which of the organisation’s resources is most valuable has now been settled. In today’s knowledge-based economy, there is no question that employees are the most critical asset of an organisation. Employees are the driving force behind the organisation’s success. They design and build the...
Is it too late to wish a very happy new year? It has been a long minute having taken a break in December last year, and before we can settle into this year it’s already February. May this year bring smarter real estate investments to us all. Speaking of...
Last week, I shared thoughts on the 5 C’s for a great employee (Competence, Character, Culture, Calling, and Chemistry). Over the next five weeks, I will be expanding on each one of the C’s, not only on what they mean, but on strategies for assessing whether the employee you...
People have been trying to dodge paying taxes since time immemorial, but globalisation has turned tax avoidance and evasion - as well as money laundering - into a lucrative business model. Over the past few decades, offshore tax havens such as the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Cyprus and Ireland have...
Sovereign debt restructuring refers to the process of renegotiating the terms of a country's external debt, usually with the aim of reducing the burden of the debt on the country's finances. This process can have significant spill over effects on the financial sector, both domestically and internationally, as well...
Securing your family's future is an essential component of managing wealth creation. However, reviewing your life insurance policies is vital to your financial planning journey. This is because several factors can impact your financial planning, such as marriage, divorce, additions to your family, changes in employer-provided insurance, career transitions,...
When you go to make a purchase, you don’t examine the functional aspects of the product before deciding. Let’s face it, would you say let me evaluate the quality of this waakye, the ingredients, or how quickly it was served to me and then go on to analyse its...