Navigating the storms of the new normal with digitalisation in the wake of COVID-19; a test case for indigenous banks “No product is made today, no person moves today, nothing is collected, analyzed or communicated without some ‘digital technology’ being an integral part of it. That, in itself, speaks to the overwhelming,...
…Banks and institutions that seek to revamp their digital frontiers with bouquet of digital platforms will cruise with efficiency, speed, consistency and appreciable returns The world is evolving and things happen when you are not looking (interesting). Leadership researchers affirm that we are living in constant crises. Thus we live...
The banking sector is experiencing competitive disruption constantly, particularly the digital segment of the sector, with competitive advantage being redefined daily. Digital disruption is occurring at every level of the financial services industry. New competitors, new channels, new processes, and new consumer expectations are shifting the banking industry paradigm. This...
Since the beginning of this century, the surge in digital transactions in Africa has not witnessed a boom which can be compared to that which COVID-19 has brought. North, South, East and West Africa all have a similar story to tell when it comes to the effects of COVID-19...
If there is any significant intervention that has changed the financial sector and landscape over the last decade in Ghana, it is undoubtedly the emergence of mobile money. This has been made possible through the collaboration of Fintechs, Mobile Network Operators (MNO) and the Banks. It`s an undeniable fact that,...
The practical challenge of quickly getting financial support in the hands of people who lost jobs amid the COVID-19 economic crisis has baffled advanced and developing economies alike. Economic lockdowns, physical distancing measures, patchy social protection systems and, especially for low-income countries, the high level of informality, complicate the...
In spite of the vast opportunities available in the upstream oil and gas sector, local participation is very low due to high barriers of entry, a report by Ernst & Young (EY), Ghana, indicates. The report shows that local participation in areas like well drilling, engineering services, exploration and subsurface,...
With COVID-19 disrupting every aspect of business, what sets good businesses apart from great businesses is how one rises to the occasion in times of crisis such as the one presented by COVID-19. As companies are forced to shut down some branches, rotate staff with some staff working from home,...
The country’s already struggling stock market has not been spared the impact of deadly coronavirus pandemic as a report by Databank Research shows that significant value has been wiped off the market once the first case was recorded in March. The report, which analyses the economy for the first quarter,...
Banks and other financial institutions have long been faced with the trends of online and mobile banking adoption. Up until now, there has been little that financial institutions could do to encourage specific groups of non-actors to change the way they bank in adoption of digital services. But that...