There’s been remarkable interest in what Steve H. Hanke, Professor of Applied Economics at the John Hopkins University, writes about Ghana’s economic indices and situation; especially since the period of crisis began. His tweets, controversially themed in undermining either official exchange rate depreciation figures or inflationary rates, have predominantly...
This past week, Afronation and Afrochella have both announced their list of headliners for this year’s edition. In the queue for roll-out will be the Wildaland Festival, Detty Rave and all the other major concerts and festivals set to bring the world to ‘Little Accra’ in the next couple...
…When humans and robots work side-by-side The robots are here! Maybe not yet in your office. May be not yet in your industry. Maybe not in your country. But those robots, those that are increasingly looking look like us and acting like us, are really here. Even if they are...
It cannot be controverted under any stretch of imagination that Businesses thrive through constant patronage of Customers. There couldn’t be business sustainability without their customers. For this singular reason, any company worth its sort ought to be intentional in providing clients with double platinum services with the sole aim...
“Papa I wanna be in school. Mama I wanna go to school. I want to learn reading and writing. Teacher, I do wanna be in school…oh yea. Send your girl child to school, send your girl child to school…” It seems like just yesterday when these lyrics from part of...
Every movement starts with a conversation. Every partnership survives through conversations. Every marriage thrives on conversations. But not all conversations are created equal. Some conversations are easy to have; chief among them are celebratory conversations. When things are going well and course adjustments are not needed, conversations are easy to...
The work of a Public Relations professional involves among others promoting understanding between and among different stakeholders. This involves reaching a variety of constituents with information. The media remain key to achieving this. No PR campaign can be effective without involvement of the media.  Most PR departments of organisations as well as...
Economics is about creating win-win situations. But in sports, someone loses. --Stan Kroenke, American billionaire and owner of Kroenke Sports & Entertainment The most admitted story tells that the game was developed in England in the 12th century. In this century, games that resembled football were played on meadows and roads...
The Government of Ghana has ambitious goals for universal health coverage by 2030, but the outcomes stand a great chance to be missed without leveraging digital health, especially in the areas of health infrastructure, human resource, service quality, and health data aggregation. Ghana’s Ministry of Health (MoH), working together...
Chapter 1 The beggars have lost all trust in us, I tell you. Before we get into this whole matter of the many beggars busily roaming the streets of this country, and of its capital city, Accra, let’s talk first about those flags standing idly at the Flagstaff House (permit this...