In a world where tyres, toolboxes and gears were thought to be the exclusive preserve of men in grease-stained overalls, Nana Afua Serwaa Adusei fearlessly crashed through those stereotypes… leaving a trail of inspiration in her wake. With a smile as vibrant as her passion for automobiles, Nana Afua stands...
From all indications, China has emerged as the greatest beneficiary at the 15th BRICS summit - a platform hosted by South Africa last August with participation of African leaders. The summit turned out be successful with most of the significant questions put under serious discussions and finally ended with...
“I have learned that people will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.”  Maya Angelou, 1928-2014 Today, I have decided to dedicate my page to all employees of organizations I have had contact with, who work straight...
The transfer of a bank branch manager prompted a noteworthy reaction from the staff, who displayed their happiness by celebrating, including popping champagne in honour of the manager's departure. In addition, there were individuals among the staff who categorized the manager as a "Toxic Leader," believing that the manager's...
I had gone to find spare parts for my now ageing Toyota Fortuner vehicle at Abbosey Okai.  I was highly amused listening to some of the submissions during a heated debate on how the cedi has depreciated against the major foreign currencies. As I haggled over the prices of the...
Last week, I created an awareness of the need for banks as corporate bodies as well as individual bankers to pay closer attention to the paradigm shift in banking and have a serious change of mindset, as a pre-requisite to moving on. This period of self-reflection is to identify...
The COVID-19 pandemic has spread globally and will not be over until it has been brought under control everywhere. Hence, international efforts are underway to support the world’s poorest countries. COVAX, a multilateral initiative organized by the World Health Organization and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, is arranging purchases of...
In recent years, economies in Africa have increasingly been exposed to the vagaries of global markets. Whereas previously, periods of economic growth were stimulated by local demand and a sense of national pride with respect to the ability to produce domestically, export markets now dominate driving economic growth. With...
…Critical evaluation of some use cases Under conditions where there are limited resources, some AI-powered solutions may be ideal to be employed to be used to promote productivity, bridge the gap in resources, and still provide excellent and efficient services to their clients. In this third part of the application...
…the story of Big Samps Market Typically, frequenting the market to purchase food items is a general characteristic of every household. However, with life in the city becoming increasingly busy for people, some entrepreneurs are living up to expectation by providing solutions to some of the challenges we face...