Ghana’s longest serving head of state is now laid to rest. The Ancestors have called him home. Our nation has come alive to stories, rememberings, speeches and a spirit of mourning in the week of activities ending with his state funeral on Wednesday at Black Star Square. As the ritual of...
– is it an obstacle in modern banking? (4) "When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves." - Viktor Frankl Segregation of Duties in The Traditional Lending Process The fourth revolution has made utmost use of digitalization to ensure seamless delivery of...
The focal point for discussion this morning is ‘preparing Africa’s youth for the future.’ In discussing the topic, I will draw on a few of my experiences growing into adulthood, and how these experiences have helped to shape my world view and influenced my decision-making as I transitioned from...
Retirement planning now – II Retirement planning is simply defining your pension income for ‘tomorrow’ with deliberate actions and decisions necessary to achieve same. In many developing economies, pension is dreaded by many. In the case of Ghana, research indicates that only 2 out of every 100 Ghanaians retire financially...
The old cliché, “What gets measured get done” and “if you can measure it, you can manage it” speak to the strategic principles underpinning execution management. Measuring it gives a leader the insight needed to stay on course to achieve objectives. Once the leader has developed the strategy’s key performance measures (KPI),...
Expectancy theory contends that employee behaviours are based on the choices of an individual dependent on their expected outcome. Basically, the tenet of this theory is that people are influenced by the desired outcomes of their actions (Renko, Kroeck & Bullough, 2012). Vroom came out with two major propositions, that...
“If the townspeople are happy, look for the chief.” – Liberian proverb A career coming to a standstill, economic privation, fear of unemployment, and a competitor who is determined to take the market share of your organisation; these are some of the challenges employees face day in, day out. Whether...
We all know about Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, or don’t we? Well, we do know he is Ghanaian, was the first President of Ghana, and was one of the founding fathers of Ghana. What else do you know about him? Where did he school? Who were his parents? Did he...
Millet United States Department of Agriculture states that millet is a cereal grain that belongs to the Poaceae family, commonly known as the grass family. In its origin, Nithiyanantham et al. (2019) found that millet is highly eaten in developing countries throughout Africa and Asia.  Though it resembles a seed, millet’s nutritional...
The evidence is clear: Ghana’s food insecurity has been greatly increased due to climate change causing prolonged dry seasons, rising temperatures across all ecological zones, and low rainfall. Modelling its implications on food security is therefore crucial for reducing the agriculture sector’s vulnerability to climate change and mitigating its...