...discover the key to amplifying your brand’s equity Dear readers! Today, we're diving into the exciting world of building brand equity. In a crowded marketplace, where big names dominate, how can your businesses stand out? The answer lies in embracing novel ideas that captivate hearts, engage minds, and leave lasting...
Ghanaian-born Diplomat and Africa Human Development expert Dr. Ishmael Nii Amanor Dodoo has said that the 2024 elections present the opportunity for the country Ghana to be returned to the people through policies and strategies that will put the ownership of the major sectors of the economy in the...
Fraud has become a prevalent issue in Ghana, posing a significant threat to the socio-economic well-being of the people and overall development. It is crucial that we recognise the importance of fraud prevention while realising that it is a concern for all, and not solely the responsibility of law...
In today's competitive world of business, staying ahead of the competition requires constant innovation and adoption of new technologies. One such technological innovation that has significantly impacted businesses in Ghana is the use of Positioning and Navigation Systems. These systems can provide a competitive edge and open up new...
In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, Public Relations has become the cornerstone of progress, understanding and collaboration for individuals, organisations and communities. The profession’s pivotal role in developing a country cannot be underestimated, facilitating effective communication, building relationships, and shaping positive perceptions on both domestic and international fronts. World Public...
Climate change is tagged these days as one of the most pressing challenges of our time, requiring innovative and sustainable solutions. One such solution that scientists have unearthed is biomimicry, a concept that involves imitating natural processes, systems and elements to solve human challenges. The question is: is there...
In the modern world of enterprise, where trends emerge and fade with blinding speed, many are tempted to switch lanes upon sighting a new promising avenue. Yet, as I learned in a deeply personal experience, real success and influence stem from authenticity, from evolving our intrinsic difference rather than...
"Trust is the currency for riches. In today's business world, if you can't be trusted, you don't have a business." — Bernard Kelvin Clive Can someone always hit a home-run? Have you ever had a meal at a restaurant that was so incredibly tasty you couldn't stop thinking about it and...
A few short years ago, it would have been almost unthinkable that people would open their lives to total strangers to the extent we now see happen all over. You might have considered crazy, if you said a time was coming when people will take photos of the food...
… A Spotlight on China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Visualize a modern highway active with trade, not just spanning a single nation but stretching and winding across continents, over rugged mountains, through cities, and across oceans. This is perhaps the most straightforward illustration to describe the vision of China’s Belt...