Intellectual Property Rights, a crucial legal framework, serve as a shield for intellectual property and intangible creations of the human mind. These include inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, and symbols used in commerce. Intellectual property rights play a pivotal role in fostering innovation and economic growth by significantly...
“But every president’s state of health is an important national concern, especially in an election year. The opposition would always undertake to magnify the minutest abnormality in a president’s anatomy for the purpose of prosecuting political mischief. For this reason, the health secrets of a president is better guarded...
Quality education holds the key to national development. Providing quality education requires resources both material and human. Resources are scarce as we are told by the economists of old so it stands today. Countries that develop through education make choices as to what to spend their scarce resources on....
  On my growth trajectory, I am fast realising that the best way to absorb the wisdom of those that are ahead is by getting answers to the “why” and not the “what”. Because the why’s get you how they think, the why’s are like an algorithm that can solve...
Corruption is a disturbing phenomenon confronting many economies across the globe, and more importantly Africa due to its deadly effect on the livelihood of citizens. In fact, corruption can lead to the misallocation of scarce economic resources, thereby depriving the citizens of meaningful development. Corruption can also affect the...
Owning a house is more than a dream for many. It is a representation of peace of mind, sense of belonging, security, stability, an investment, a show of self-actualization and a sense of pride. To some, it is the means to an end and not an end in itself. As...
If there is a sport that unites and sparks much passion in our country it is football. None can rival this sport when it comes to how it captures the hearts of so many Ghanaians. When it comes to our national teams, we hate to lose - never mind...
Last Sunday while seated for lunch, I asked my 3 sons: "What advice would you give a friend about how to become a more confident speaker?" The eldest carefully studied his plate of aroni rice and chicken stew. After a few seconds he said: "Focus on the now. The present is...
ABSTRACT This paper attempts to analyze theoretical perspective behind Ghana’s unsustainable debt on the past fourteen years. This enquiry is important from the standpoint of the reasons that have been discovered to be the core of the rising Ghana’s debt. The research is a qualitative study which is based...
Building the Lean Organisation Introduction- A Journey into Time Toyota conceptualised, designed, developed and delivered a production methodology post-World War II that would fundamentally alter the industry in years to come. The inefficiencies of the conventional production model were addressed by the development of the Toyota Production System (TPS). It concentrated...