In the fast-paced business world, communication skills are indispensable for top executives. In Part 1, we explored the first five essential communication skills: clarity and conciseness, active listening, emotional intelligence, persuasion and negotiation, and public speaking. Here, in Part 2, we delve into the remaining five skills that are equally...
By Dennis Yaw Matekpor HEDIHOR Employer-worker relationships have become complex as the labour market evolves making it difficult to sometimes determine the rights and duties owe to each other. The notion that the employer is solely responsible for everything that ensures and encourages a conducive workplace and productivity is erroneous....
By Dela Herman AGBO Guinness Ghana Breweries Limited (GGBL), a subsidiary of the global beverage giant Diageo PLC, has delivered an impressive performance on the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) in 2024. With a significant year-to-date (YTD) return of 38.24%, GGBL's stock price has surged from GH¢ 3.40 in January to...
By Eric Osei ANNOR In the fast-paced world of business, where immediacy often takes precedence over long-term strategy, Vice President Bawumia’s thought-provoking statement, “If I do everything today, what will I do tomorrow?” offers a profound lesson in the art of sustainable growth. This phrase, though simple, encapsulates a powerful...
Last week, I created an awareness of the need for banks as corporate bodies as well as individual bankers to pay closer attention to the paradigm shift in banking and have a serious change of mindset, as a pre-requisite to moving on. This period of self-reflection is to identify...
Governments around the world have indeed taken on more and more functions over time. As a result, they now guarantee the operation of many services once provided by the private sector. They also collect massive amounts of taxes and often demonstrate inefficiencies in their operations. However, it is essential to...
Introducing "How Did I Get Here," a distinctive television experience that draws viewers into the riveting personal journeys of its guests, examining the myriad life events that have moulded their identities and guided them to their present-day selves. The show endeavours to inspire, entertain, and foster a connection with...
I would mention GCB Bank PLC as my bank of choice and get raised eyebrows. “Ghana Commercial Bank? But Why?” I’d get asked. To me, the Indigenous boy who left and returned to the land as an Indigenous man with an Indigenous team working to impact the Indigenous trade...
…the social effect of queues on service experience Hungarian-born British humourist, George Mikes, is credited with this quote, “An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an orderly queue of one.” What Mikes was trying to say was that the English love to queue. But one can say the same...
A bond is typical fixed-income security that offers a fixed or guaranteed rate of return to the investor over a specified period of time. Nevertheless, the risk and return characteristics of individual bond investments vis-a-vis bond mutual funds are not the same. Depending on the peculiar investment objectives, some...