This is the third in our series of publications on the Social Media Mix of Banks, with the first one published in the Monday, 16th January, 2023 edition of this column. The key social media accounts we identified are Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube – which we coined...
In the wake of the global financial crisis, many countries across Africa have sought new development models to bolster their economies and improve the livelihoods of their citizens. In particular, one of the most discussed paths to prosperity is industrialisation. Africa has a long history of industrialisation, which was...
“If one imitates the upright, one becomes upright; if one imitates the crooked, one becomes crooked.” – Nigerian proverb In an era when change is faster than light, it does not make sense to propose that we should revolutionise change. But in all honesty, that is what the world needs...
Concerns The proliferation of AI technologies in Africa is not without its challenges, as foreign companies and governments have been known to introduce technologies that have questionable benefits for local communities. China has been at the forefront of exporting AI-driven technologies to Africa, with its Belt and Road Initiative and...
As we stand on the cusp of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) is palpable in every facet of our lives. From self-driving cars to virtual assistants, AI is transforming industries and reshaping the way we work. With the increasing automation of routine tasks, the...
The economic and geopolitical exigencies globally are now characterised by the emergence of new trade agreements in response to fast-changing global dynamics. One such pact is Agenda 2063; it was adopted at a summit convened by the African Union in 2015, with the aim of setting out a plan...
With time, as humans, we grow affection for certain words, marks, signs, or symbols and desire exclusive use or connection with them. And as we pursue our entrepreneurial dreams, we oftentimes desire that our much-loved words, marks, signs, etc. represent our ideas, define our services and products, and become...
– let’s enhance the experience to make our national tourism globally attractive The two-day Tourism Summit that took place at Peduase – Aburi in the Eastern Region, on 29/30 May 20223, where key stakeholders in our Tourism space deliberated enthusiastically on Ghana’s Tourism potential was insightful. The two-day summit was...
Milton Friedman, a renowned economist, is famous for declaring that corporate social responsibility is just prose - and that the actual business of business is to make profit. He argued that the desirable social ends such as creating employment, eliminating discrimination, avoiding pollution among others amounts to unadulterated socialism,...
…insights and strategies for successful investing in turbulent times In times of economic turbulence and uncertainty, investment decisions become even more crucial. Recessions – characterised by shrinking GDP, rising unemployment, and market volatility – pose unique challenges to investors worldwide. However, amid the storm, there are opportunities to be seized...