Communication is the solvent of all problems and is the foundation for personal development –Peter Shepherd Prolific American playwright and essayist Arthur Miller once described a newspaper as a nation in dialogue with itself. More importantly, the quality of dialogue helps shape the country's future. Indeed, it is difficult to...
…measuring the number of arrivals and economic impact will be key in achieving 1.3m visitors in 2023 The Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) has launched the 2023 edition of the annual Kwahu Easter Paragliding Festival at Kwahu Nkwatia in the Eastern Region. The paragliding has been held every year except during...
“Civility is not simply a question of minding your manners. It is also a critical component of professional success” P.M. Forni The following quote from “Corporate Training Materials” under the section on “Civility in the Workplace” hit me hard the first time I read it in 2015: “…Rudeness is an...
From various interpretations, Russia is taking advantage of the past Soviet-era connections and Africa's growing dissatisfaction and disappointment with the Western world, but still its economic presence (footprints) remain marginal compared to other key foreign players. Despite the fact that Western and European powers are experiencing falling influence, they...
…trends and changes in public policy and lessons for underwriting. What is suicide?                 Suicide means taking one owns life. It is simply a way for people to escape pain or suffering. When someone ends this own life, we say that they "died by suicide." A "suicide attempt" means that...
…Unveilling the Junior Consultants Initiative Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Ghana constitute an essential part of the economy. Quite significantly, about 92% of businesses in the country operate within the SME sector. Put together, the sector employs more than 80% of the workforce and contributes about 70% of Gross...
The Gold for Oil (G4O) program emerged in response to the 1973 oil crisis, triggered by an oil embargo imposed by OPEC members, particularly Saudi Arabia, on nations perceived as supporting Israel in the Yom Kippur War (Birjandi, 2003). This crisis caused a global energy shortage and a surge...
... reneging on leadership adaptability, the bane for corporate ineptitude The predominant nature of the business environment now is characterised by rapid changes and complexities of new challenges, new circumstances and new uncertainties. Business leaders, however, ought to intentionally cultivate the behaviour and drive conversations that would force their organisations...
I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people throwing away things we could use. ---Mother Teresa Environmental integrity means that your actions with regard to the environment match your felt or expressed priorities and values with regard to the environment. It is a condition where the...
The government is upbeat about the mid-year revisions it has made to the 2023 budget following Ghana’s entry into a new IMF bailout programme. However, reality is not quite so bright. … examines the prospects offered by the first budgetary adjustments made under the country’s latest IMF programme writes...