“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep trying”……  Albert Einstein Today marks the concluding article on moving forward in 2021 with the lessons learnt. This method of re-strategizing with facts and figures seems more likely to be sustainable. So far, I have highlighted various...
“We have problems with our physical security, operational security through to management.” …Kevin Mitnick The Kenyan Commercial Bank robbery “NAIROBI (Reuters) - In a heist reminiscent of a Hollywood movie, Kenyan robbers spent months tunneling into the bowels of a bank located opposite a police station and stole the equivalent of...
A wise man adapts himself to circumstances, as water shapes itself to the vessel that contains it. --Chinese Proverb Organizational change is very rampant in the financial services, and it has a bearing on how people are treated as well as how they respond to the effect of these changes. In...
“A brand is defined by the customer’s experience. The experience is delivered by the employees” ….. Shep Hyken Last week, I highlighted a series of concerns currently being expressed among some bank staff working in the digital banking era. Their concerns mostly harbour around the positive but intrusive 4th Industrial...
“Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud”. Sophocles Last week, I looked at the resurgence of digital frauds which is emanating from the increased use of digital banking by customers. It is always a fact that not every customer can take advantage of this opportunity of contactless banking. This...
“...I say, that Power must never be trusted without a check.” ― John Adams, Adams-Jefferson Letters Dear readers, once again we have been bombarded with the devastating details in the annual Bank of Ghana Fraud Report. As expected, the details of internal fraud, external fraud and the underlying causes are being digested and...
"Good Banking is produced not by good laws, but by good bankers." -- Hartley Withers, prominent British financial journalist around the turn of the 19th century Dear Readers, last week started with my article on the need to pause and self-reflect before making new year resolutions. It is during our...
“Civility is not simply a question of minding your manners. It is also a critical component of professional success” P.M. Forni The following quote from “Corporate Training Materials” under the section on “Civility in the Workplace” hit me hard the first time I read it in 2015: “…Rudeness is an...
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I'm possible"! -Audrey Hepburn It seems heart-warming to see how opportunities are being taken amidst the COVID 19 crisis. Living in this era brings with it, mixed emotions- the good, the bad and the ugly. For every venture that institutions are undertaking, it has...
  "Commitment in the face of conflict produces character." - Mark Twain Dear readers, last week I shared some sentiments about how relationship banking can be optimised as a risk management tool. I concentrated on how customer visits and face to face meetings with borrowing customers could reduce loan defaults to...