If you must go to China, for the first time, as I did, then joining the First Lady, Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo, on her first trip to the country, accompanied by the first virtually all female business delegation, from micro to medium to multinational companies - representing swathes of the...
It has been so nice to see people happy with their Black Friday- shopping carrying their purchases with a smile. But, is a happy & satisfied customer really what any merchant should be after? You are happy with what you bought. No question about it. What will you buy gain the...
Finally. The President’s silence was broken. He addressed the Nation. He stepped into the furor that had gripped millions. The Nation got a presidential statement regarding the US military Agreement – or rather the DCA (Defence Co-operation Agreement). Is that the end of the controversy and the issues arising? Sadly, no. What...
“It is not the absence of risk that determines a program’s success but the manner in which risk is identified and managed” Dear readers, last week, I looked at the need to get the image of the risk personnel rebranded. At many training sessions, I witness the usual banter between...
What would Jesus say to these Bantama boys? What words would He articulate had He watched that video? This now viral video where up to seven boys watched, laughed as they took turns to rape a teenage girl. Throughout the video, she is held down, boys arms pressed around her...
  Remember Steve Harvey? In case you don’t, he is the television personality who made global headlines for announcing the wrong winner of the Miss Universe 2015 pageant. He initially called Miss Colombia as the winner because of a communication error with his producer. Realizing his error, he went back onto...
"Challenges are what makes life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful" -- Joshua J. Marine In this era of pandemics, all banks are reminding their customers to go digital. This is a very good advice to give, but how is this being implemented? Let us look at some feedback...
On the back of the successful ruling in September 2017 at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Seas to define Ghana's maritime boundaries with the Ivory Coast, more news. Subject to Parliamentary approval, this is virtually assured (the government has a majority in the House, the Legislature generally...
…A re-look at bank closing times (2) “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity” -  Albert Einstein Dear Readers, I hope you had a good week and are ready to face another week. My last article was not to create passions among bank staff, but rather generate discussions on the...
  There is nothing wrong with staying small. You can do big things with a small team. – Jason Fried Dear Readers, I wish to crave your indulgence to repeat this article which was first published in December, 2015…. PREPARING FOR THE CLOSING BELL For financial institutions, December is a period for re-strategizing...