Efficiency ratios are critical financial metrics that evaluate how effectively a company utilises its assets and manages its liabilities. These ratios provide insights into various aspects of a company’s operational performance, including asset management, inventory management, and accounts receivable and payable efficiency. By analysing efficiency ratios, investors and analysts...
“By the time the fool learns the game, the players have dispersed.” – Akan proverb If the history of human relationships teaches us anything at all, it is that the way we project ourselves to the world determines how the world treats us. It is this insight that propelled Anthony...
“The bird’s chick watches its mother fly before it can fly.” – Akan proverb Our relationships thrive on trust. Team-working, collaboration and everything that involves more than only you depends on trust. This makes trust the most valuable currency in all relationships. Interestingly, many among us struggle with it for...
Devio Early Childhood Institute, a non-profit organization that offers capacity building training programs and workshops for teachers in the early years, is bringing together world leaders and experts in the international inclusive education community for its annual forum with various presentations on promoting national Sign Languages in the early...
“No matter how sharp your teeth are, you can't bite water.” – African proverb We have nurtured a culture wherein many seek power by any means necessary because the ‘might’ behind ‘the power’ enables them to “act more like themselves rather than having to act as the wider society would...
The 2022 Budget Statement was introduced by the Minister for Finance, Mr. Ken Ofori-Atta, against the background of addressing current challenges of the economy, investing in the future of the youth, and putting public finances on a sustainable path. Last year, the Budget was shaped by threats posed by...
“If you want to know the end, look at the beginning.” – African proverb To wake up in the morning is a greater miracle for all of us. Not many of us appreciate this, but that is a discourse for another day. Today, I want us to channel our thoughts...
Leadership by facilitation During the industrial age, the great entrepreneurs collectively built businesses and business processes that required the minimum amount of thinking from the rank-and-file worker.  The assembly line is a classic example of the model for this kind of workplace.  The average worker’s work was reduced to a...
Still Greece Greece is no nation… At this point in their history, Greece was no nation. It consisted of, as discussed last week, a series of city-states dwelling severally on their respective lands. If written history is to be the ultimate source of validity, then we will say that beginning...
There’s nothing quite like seeing people working in their purpose. They love what they do, they can do it for hours, they are inspired, they are energetic, and they are productive. It’s electric! Run into someone like that and it almost makes you want to feel jealous if you...