Affirmative Action. Women’s Empowerment. These are two cornerstones of nation building in 21st Century Ghana. Indeed, globally. And yet, we are a nation that continues to debate the merit or danger of the former and offers rhetoric about the latter. We are at a crossroads. We need to move forward. The...
The Kenyan Commercial Bank robbery “NAIROBI (Reuters) - In a heist reminiscent of a Hollywood movie, Kenyan robbers spent months tunneling into the bowels of a bank located opposite a police station and stole the equivalent of half a million dollars, police said on Tuesday. Police said they had arrested...
If you must go to China, for the first time, as I did, then joining the First Lady, Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo, on her first trip to the country, accompanied by the first virtually all female business delegation, from micro to medium to multinational companies - representing swathes of the...
“It is not the absence of risk that determines a program’s success but the manner in which risk is identified and managed” Dear readers, last week, I looked at the need to get the image of the risk personnel rebranded. At many training sessions, I witness the usual banter between...
When Pablo Escobar held sway in Colombia as the eminence grise of the cocaine trade, he would apparently offer anyone who stood in his way.  'Silver or lead - take a bribe or take a bullet'.  A compelling business proposition, to anyone, then or now, presented with these hypnotic...
There has been a series of attacks on web based applications in Ghana in recent times. In the past three years, Ghanaian organizations and agencies, most especially government agencies have experienced severe cyber-attacks. Most organizations in the country operate their web based applications without protecting the HTML codes. HTML (Hypertext...
“It seems that the necessary thing to do is not to fear mistakes, to plunge in, to do the best that one can, hoping to learn enough from blunders to correct them eventually.” Abraham Maslow   Dear readers, what are the images of the Chief Risk Officer or any Risk person...
The Doing Business (DB) survey is an annual report issued by the World Bank Group (WBG).  It ranks economies across the world on the time, ease and procedures required for a small to middle size domestic business, in the most populous city, to complete critical transactions. The first DB survey...
Chiefs and Chieftaincy. Our traditional rulers. Their power, their history, their role, their challenges. In President Akufo-Addo’s recent speech at the National House of Chiefs, he spoke about modernization, ending discrimination, galamsey and not treating sexual violence as ‘family matters’. The President told the Chiefs to resist the temptation of...
…A re-look at bank closing times (2) “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity” -  Albert Einstein Dear Readers, I hope you had a good week and are ready to face another week. My last article was not to create passions among bank staff, but rather generate discussions on the...