… building sustainability, corporate resilience and financial performance through ESG compliance framework. The COVID-19 pandemic offers an opportunity to align business models with ESG principles to better prepare for the future crises. Environment, social and governance issues and the risk and opportunities they create are becoming increasingly relevant for...
“...I say, that Power must never be trusted without a check.” ― John Adams, Adams-Jefferson Letters This article is an extract from one of the chapters in my book- “The Modern Branch Manager’s Companion” published in March, 2021. Segregation of duties is an ever-ready principle in banking that sometimes get under-rated. Please...
1789 Onwards The people of France had had enough. They had had it up to here. With revolutionary thoughts now spread far and wide amongst them, they undoubtedly had a lot on their hands—they were going to overthrow God. Well, not God literally—God presumably. Having been born into a world...
…Deepening ADR mechanism and African traditional methods in dispute resolution There is need to expand and entrench Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) deeply into our legal and governance system. Complex, intractable and challenging cases that would have taken 30-40 years to resolve in court with the present western judiciary system we...
There are many hats that I wear, I wear the hat of a life coach, I wear the hat of a marketer, but key amongst the hats that I wear is that of a customer service trainer. Many years ago, I used to work for one of the most...
Over the last five years, Ghana has seen radical policy changes in its educational structure. Arguably, these policy changes are geared toward long-term economic and social transformation. The recent introduction of a new curriculum for KG1-Basic schools and the new Common Core Curriculum for JHS1-SHS1 attest to radical policy changes...
…a theological and social analysis of our attitude I have always held this thought that: "Heaven shall be full of surprises". Yes, there shall be surprises as people whom we do not expect to be there shall give us a smile and a wave. Well, these are two words widely...
One good decision today may not be the best of decisions tomorrow. Leaders go through daily challenges in making decisions. Some dread the process. To look to the left or to the right leaves leaders in dilemma. One big worry for leaders is the fact that one good decision today...
Chicken Biryani is a delicious savoury rice dish that is loaded with spicy marinated chicken, caramelised onions, and flavourful saffron rice, originating from India. There are many health benefits of Chicken Biryani. Your single plate serving of Chicken Biryani is a perfect combination of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Protein is...
It is not surprising that a vibrant nightlife contributes to a city’s global identity, its local economy, and its allure for international visitors. The quality of a city’s nightlife strongly correlates not only with the number of its international visitors, but also with the amount of foreign direct investment...