In today's digital age, customers expect seamless experiences when interacting with businesses, regardless of the channel they choose to engage with. To meet these expectations, companies must break down the silos between different departments and technologies to create a unified omnichannel strategy. This strategy can help create synergy and...
…Substantial but narrow  Ghana has faced various economic challenges over the years. These challenges have led the country to seek external assistance, including financial support from international organizations such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF is seen as the lender of last resort by providing...
Financing to meet adaptation and mitigation objectives People of conscience need to break their ties with corporations financing the injustice of climate change----------Archbishop Desmond Tutu Humanity is at crossroads, a moment of great risk and great opportunity. One path leads to unmatched growth and development; the other to great misery and...
…mitigating potential pitfalls Commercial Paper (CP) notes play a crucial role in the Ghanaian financial landscape, providing financial institutions and corporations with a flexible and efficient means to raise short-term funding for working capital purposes, payroll and other short-term needs. This short-term financing instrument with maturities ranging from a...
In recent times, there has been a public outcry for kidney support. In some studies, Tannor et al.(2019) explained that limiting the use of herbal preparations may mitigate chronic kidney in developing countries.  However, I am yet to read one empirical study that revealed that the recent incidence of...
The 21st century is the century of technology, and the Internet is the biggest engine of technology. Businesses, individuals and nations are taking advantage of the emerging components of technology for various strategic and business reasons. Despite the numerous advantages technology and the Internet have brought to humanity, there...
A mobile application has become an integral part of business operations in the evolving digital world. According to data, after hitting the US$161.12billion mark in revenue in 2022, the global mobile apps revenue is envisaged to reach a new milestone of US$793.31billion in 2030. This is being driven by...
I have heard my friend Professor Robert E. Hinson say times without number, there are two things we do from when we are born to when we die: “oral presentation and written presentations”. I agree with him and in today's dynamic business landscape, the ability to articulate thoughts, convey...
Things change when the company changes, and as the business grows and expands it’s easy to see how alignment issues become problematic within the organisation. This may result because it obviously takes a lot of intentional effort to keep a growing or large company aligned. There’s a reason that the...
The real secret to achieving your goals is to identify what it is you really want to do and not to stop until you get there. The secret to achieving your goals, quite simply, is consistency. Find below a few pointers to help you get there. Create a plan for yourself. This...