The Chinese Hot and Sour Soup is a traditional Northern Chinese dish usually meat-based, served warm and packed with the goodness of healthy veggies, vitamins and minerals that can benefit your overall well-being in many ways, such as increasing the strength of your body. Eating this soup can also help...
…pink is for boys and girls Josie looked downcast, “I hate breast cancer...” She was speaking to me about her mother’s journey with this terrible disease that is yet to have a cure. It was her mother’s 55th birthday and a surprise party had been organised for her. It was...
‘Krom ay3 she papa’. The country is hot. Things are tough and majority of the population is skinning through the teeth to keep body and soul together. Imagine a man on a GH¢500 salary in this difficult time. I know people earning that. How much can they save and...
…when situations get tough and rough, institutions may look for a change of face and pace It is somewhat advocated that Women in leadership positions will achieve greatness than men in same spots and situations when confronted with crisis, and where chances of failure is highest (Hughes et al, 2015)....
...Elevated commodity prices could prolong inflationary pressures The shrinking value of the currencies of most developing economies is driving up food and fuel prices in ways that could deepen the food and energy crises that many of them already face, according to the World Bank’s latest Commodity Markets Outlook report. In U.S. dollar...
Vaccinating African populations against COVID-19 has proved a difficult feat. Whereas the continent once grappled with vaccine shortages, it is now facing a shortage of attention. The COVID-19 pandemic is widely perceived to be over, and some commentators now argue that African countries should lower their COVID-19 vaccination targets...
The last article concluded on the triple bottom line (TBL) concept, on the basis of the new wave in business objectives - a transformation from the well-known financial bottom-line to financial accounting, whereby businesses focused on systems to take a more comprehensive approach in measuring impact and success. The theory...
Today’s customers have changed to suit the times. Customers are relying heavily on social media platforms, apps and websites to connect with brands and other customers. In comparison, not enough businesses have adjusted to suit their customers. To remain relevant, businesses must recognise which customer behaviours and patterns will endure...
In 2006, five 22-year-olds huddled around their computers in a quest to tackle their most pressing academic challenge to date: figuring out a topic for their thesis. They were the second batch of Computer Science students from Ashesi, and their predecessors had already set quite a high standard. The five students...
Leveraging employee experience for your customer experience Culture is commonly defined as “the way we do things over here”. It is the way of life for a group of people. This group could be a community a country, a family or an organisation. It encompasses the behaviours, beliefs, values...