The Discovery of crude oil in the Middle East changed their fortunes because of continuous demand for the commodity. Life does not exist without energy. In today’s world, fossil energy/crude oil is considered one of the most prominent energy sources with a large global market. Renewable energy is catching up....
Before we begin, we must understand the for-profit model that keeps our not-for-profit passion for football alive and thriving, especially overseas. Every sustainable development model of a not-for-profit endeavour needs a robust for-profit engine to secure longevity.   THE FOOTBALL REVENUE TRIAD Like thriving enterprises, football clubs hinge on robust revenue streams...
In 1933, the Glass-Steagall Act established the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to insure deposits of commercial banks. India, the Philippines and Sri Lanka all in Asia continent established their schemes in 1961, 1963 and 1987 respectively. In the Continental Europe, the German scheme which is administered by private...
Hurt people hurt! The first time I came across this statement I had to go back to read it again. So if you’re like me you’d probably have to go back and read it again. We have each been hurt before, be it by something, someone, action or inaction,...
The importance of the physical or tangible aspect of the customer’s experience is something very few will argue against. This importance is clearly seen in the oft-quoted RATER Model of Service Quality where the “T” stands for Tangibility.Reliability, Assurance, Empathy, and Responsiveness are the other elements that make up...
A revolution is described as: (a) sudden, radical or complete change; (b) a fundamental change in political organisation, especially the overthrow of one government or ruler and the substitution of another by the governed; and (c) an activity or movement designed to effect fundamental changes in the socioeconomic situation...
The nature of crime witnessed in society varies considerably. As a result, police operations are expected to be diverse and flexible. Police operations are tailored to react effectively to situations ranging from fleeing suspects to threats of explosives. Officers need the requisite training and tools to assure effectiveness, safety...
In its shared vision for a prosperous and sustainable future, Africa is looking forward with optimism. The African Union's Agenda 2063 lays out a visionary plan for the continent's evolution, incorporating goals for economic expansion, social advancement and political stability. To guarantee that Agenda 2063 is implemented correctly and...
“Think tomorrow. Act today.” Leadership is a beautiful experience. The fact that it gives room for future thinking also creates opportunities for many fantasisers to lead teams, organisations and countries. What you think of today and subsequently say afterward, must guide what you do tomorrow in leadership. In other words,...
Businesses - whether Limited Liability Companies, Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, etc. - in Ghana, like elsewhere, exist with the aim of maximising profit. Shareholders or persons who invest in such business by way of shares have an expectation that the company will keep being a going concern, make profit and...