- the sales and marketing function “Experience is not what happens to you. It is what you do with what happens to you. Waste your pain. Use it to help others” …Rick Warren **This article was first published in 2018*** Sober reflections These days, no week passes by without mention of negative issues...
“My own experience is, use the tools that are out there. Use the digital world. But never lose sight of the need to reach out and talk to other people who don't share your view. Listen to them and see if you can find a way to compromise”.  Colin...
- An effective leader delegates effectively (2) Last week, I started with some excerpts from my book “THE MODERN BRANCH MANAGER’S COMPANION”, and will finish with  the second part, as I sign off my contributions in 2022. The year has been with mixed feelings, the highs and the low moments, but...
"You make mistakes. Mistakes don't make you." - Maxwell Maltz ****This article was first published in 2014 and still VERY relevant*** Today’s topic is about how employees can cope with the consequences of making mistakes and learning lessons from them and moving on. It is about “rolling with the punches”. The Meaning...
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I'm possible"! -Audrey Hepburn It seems heart-warming to see how opportunities are being taken amidst the COVID 19 crisis. Living in this era brings with it, mixed emotions- the good, the bad and the ugly. For every venture that institutions are undertaking, it...
Last week, I created an awareness of the need for banks as corporate bodies as well as individual bankers to pay closer attention to the paradigm shift in banking and have a serious change of mindset, as a pre-requisite to moving on. This period of self-reflection is to identify...
“There is going to be digitization of the workforce in a way we have never seen before. In 10 years, probably less, we will have substantially fewer employees, and the ones we do have will be significantly different from what we have now”.—Director, Bank Governance Leadership Network, This...
“...I say, that Power must never be trusted without a check.” ― John Adams, Adams-Jefferson Letters Dear readers, once again we have been bombarded with the devastating details in the annual Bank of Ghana Fraud Report. As expected, the details of internal fraud, external fraud and the underlying causes are being digested and...
-the strategic role of executive assistants (1) The Exceptional Administrative Professional is grace, skill, mental toughness, problem-solving, positivity, endless smiles, genius, and desired outcomes in motion” …….Ty Howard Hello readers, I want to dedicate my article to all the hardworking and efficient Executive Assistants throughout the world. Sometimes I see them...
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”  Winston Churchill ******This article was first published in January 2018********* When one hears the word “risk”, the immediate reaction is “Aw…problems”. This word seems to have a negative perception and is mostly avoided. Seasoned professionals...