Different research studies have shown that, the best performing corporates, individuals and groups are the ones who have been able to combine hard and soft skills effectively. It is key that as individuals who want to grow our careers, entrepreneurs who want to grow ourselves, and our businesses and...
“Jambo” (Hello) came from the gentleman as he approached me just moments after I had left the arrival hall of Jomo Kenyatta International Airport behind me. I learned seconds later that he was a taxi driver, whom I guessed to be past middle-age. He was in black trousers and...
Barack Obama’s nomination as the first black nominee of a major party and subsequently, first African American president of the nation was a moment of national and historical significance. Bawumia’s election as the standard bearer of the NPP may not have the same magnitude or racial connotations but from an ethnic...
As a young immigrant to Canada, I often reflect on my emigration from my country of birth to Canada when I was a child. My grandmother, parents, brother and I moved to Canada when I was very young and at the risk of giving away my age, I spent...
In his classic book The Logic of Collective Action, the late great Mancur Olson explained that the hardest policies to implement are those with diffuse benefits and concentrated costs. Olson’s argument was straightforward: individuals bearing the costs will vigorously oppose the policy, while the beneficiaries will free ride -...