Retirement planning now – II Retirement planning is simply defining your pension income for ‘tomorrow’ with deliberate actions and decisions necessary to achieve same. In many developing economies, pension is dreaded by many. In the case of Ghana, research indicates that only 2 out of every 100 Ghanaians retire financially...
On 12th January 2022, Warner Music Group (WMG) announced their majority acquisition of Africori – the first major acquisition of the year in the entertainment industry. Momentum has been building toward this as WMG first invested in Africori in April 2020 at the height of the pandemic, followed in...
…paving the way for sustainable farming revolution In an era marked by relentless global challenges such as climate change, diminishing biodiversity, and food insecurity, regenerative agriculture emerges as a beacon of hope. This holistic farming approach not only promises a more sustainable and resilient food system but also offers a...
Developing a policy framework for a 24-hour economy in a developing nation like Ghana is a multifaceted task that requires careful consideration of various sectors. This article outlines a tailored policy framework addressing key areas, including infrastructure development, labour and employment, business support, healthcare, retail and hospitality, entertainment and...
The whole thing has been hurriedly and shoddily done. When you have such a huge dependence on imported products, you can only replace them in stages. There are some very basic things that we don’t have the competence to do now, but we can plan our next steps. Take...
...The power of exceptional customer experience “Often times consumers, clients, and customers are not just buying a product or service, they are buying an experience, a feeling, a perception, a person (YOU)” – Bernard Kelvin Clive Agyemang responded in Pidgin English, "Now the system spoil o, every small business owner thinks...
…Deepening ADR mechanism and African traditional methods in dispute resolution There is need to expand and entrench Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) deeply into our legal and governance system. Complex, intractable and challenging cases that would have taken 30-40 years to resolve in court with the present western judiciary system we...
"Good Banking is produced not by good laws, but by good bankers." -- Hartley Withers, prominent British financial journalist around the turn of the 19th century Dear Readers, last week started with my article on the need to pause and self-reflect before making new year resolutions. It is during our...
When it comes to fostering economic development and industrialisation in Africa, one cannot ignore the pivotal role of investment climate reforms. Historically, the investment climate in many African countries has been fraught with challenges, ranging from regulatory bottlenecks and political instability to inadequate infrastructure. The quest for attracting foreign...
By Bernard Kelvin CLIVE Today, we are focusing on the importance of staying top of mind in your industry. In this particular age, time, and season, whether you're a brand, an SME, or an MSME, operating in small niches and circles, it's crucial to consistently maintain your presence. If you're positioning...