By Lambert Donkor (Advocate for Social Change) Every year on August 12th, the world unites to celebrate International Youth Day, a day dedicated to the voices and contributions of young people globally. In 2024, the theme "From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development" highlights the transformative power...
Thomas Cook, as a company, existed for 178 years and its past was very glorious. The company has now collapsed. Throughout its long history, the company found it most difficult to adapt to the 21st century. The digital age has seen a revolution in travel. The technology in the Internet of Things...
Every social development project involves communication: Communication between members of a community and a group; communication between development workers and the people among whom they work; communication between funding agencies and field workers and so on. Communication involves the sharing of ideas – information, of emotions, of hopes and...
There are all indications that Ghana might be grooming its homegrown insurgency in the name of Western Togoland. What appeared to be a joke by a few disgruntled people is assuming alarming proportions; if what the so-called Western Togoland insurgents inflicted on some parts of Volta Region in late...
In my first articles of 2023, I promised to share great success stories of organisations who have built on their uniqueness to showcase their brand. I started with Opportunity International Savings and Loans whose uniqueness in the microfinance sector has benefitted from 39 awards within four years. Today I will... SmartPhone, Smart Business is leading the way for women-led micro enterprises There is a growing body of empirical literature that continues to confirm economically empowering women is the singlemost important driver of wider national and regional development. This has not always been the case. The uneven distribution of resources...
The transformative power of entrepreneurship education is evident in the story of Rohit Okhera, a once-struggling vendor in India who became a thriving business owner after enrolling in an entrepreneurship education programme. Rohit's story is a testament to the potential of entrepreneurship education to spur individual growth and economic...
Co-Authored by Dr. Maxwell Ampong & Rya G. Kuewor GLOBAL TOPICS AT DAVOS 2022 The World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting, took place this past week from May 22nd to 26th, 2022. The Agenda for the meeting was to contemplate and discuss current global contexts and explore and fashion new (global) collaborations....
Today, internet connectivity allows many people to send emails, use social media platforms, listen to music, buy or access goods and services online. The fast-paced advancement in technology is indeed, changing the way we do business and stay in touch in the digital landscape. In this regard, many businesses...
By Nana Kojo HAGAN In our earlier post, "Data - More Valuable than Oil," we discussed the importance of data in the current digital era and how data analytics can help businesses realize full potential. We declared data to be the new oil, but it needs to be refined, just...