“There is no beauty, but the beauty of action.” – Moroccan proverb At the heart of every nation lies its culture - a complex interplay of values, norms, beliefs and behaviour shared by its citizens. This culture serves as a mirror, reflecting the aspirations, ideals and, unfortunately, vices of its...
 By Barry EICHENGREEN For precisely three years, the economics profession has been collectively fixated on inflation. February 2021, exactly 36 months ago, was the last time consumer-price-index inflation in the United States (all items, 12-month percentage change) was at or below the Federal Reserve’s 2% target. This recent episode of above-target...
The Financial Technology (Fintech) industry has seen meteoric growth over the last two years in Ghana. In line with global trends, innovations democratising traditional financial services on the back of technological advances continue to improve and automate financial service delivery, drive financial inclusion, and promote the delivery of varied...
Increases in global development and international populations have put bigger demands on trade, and in turn ports and shipping. To manage the boom, ports are improving operations and efficiency with automation, powered by 5G-ready private cellular networks. For our newest report, we collaborated with experts to detail the connected...
If you just finished using the washroom at the workplace and you know that the content you just ‘downloaded’ is extremely offensive as a result of excessive fried eggs and meat you ate the previous night and while coming out, you see your Boss also entering, pause and make...
The world was created by a number of projects executed with specific requirements that generated some outcomes within certain time limits. You and I are some of the outcomes of these projects. I like to refer to the process as the Creation Program with the Creator as the Program...
...discover the key to amplifying your brand’s equity Dear readers! Today, we're diving into the exciting world of building brand equity. In a crowded marketplace, where big names dominate, how can your businesses stand out? The answer lies in embracing novel ideas that captivate hearts, engage minds, and leave lasting...
African economies are beginning to recover from the impact of COVID-19. Despite making some gains in 2021, it could be difficult for nations to grow their economies in 2022, it seems. African economies were badly hit by the emergence of COVID-19 in 2020 and the subsequent slowing of the global...
It was a typical day behind the wheel, the sun casting its warm glow over the city as I weaved through the maze of traffic. That’s when he appeared, an elderly man in his 50s, his demeanour carrying an air of mystery. As he settled into the backseat of...
In pursuing profit, businesses constantly seek ways to lower costs and enhance efficiency. And economies of scale provide one of the most effective strategies for achieving these goals. Economies of scale occur when companies increase production and reduce the cost per unit, making them more competitive.  This concept relies...