What do you say: King Already? Traits of Outstanding Personal Brands In our personal branding session today, let me share with you one of the traits of successful Brands using a Ghanaian artist. If you've been a follower of my branding lessons from any of the platforms, be it radio, TV,...
Our biggest challenge in this new century is to take an idea that seems abstract – sustainable development- and turn it into a reality for all the world`s people. ----Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary General Sustainability is the foundation for today’s leading global framework for international cooperation—the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable...
It’s 3:34 am. As has become common practice, I’m intent on using the quiet solitude of this hour to plan my day. I perform my breathing exercises and clear my mind; however, my thoughts keep centring on one main idea. Unable to shake it off, I acquiesce. My last...
By Amos SARFO The Alliance of Sahel States, comprising Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger have taken a bold step towards attaining media sovereignty. Ibrahim Traore of Burkina Faso, Assimi Goïta of Mali and Abdourahamane Tchiani of Niger have outlined plans   to launch a joint web-based television on September 16, 2024....
As part of efforts to establish a universal, equitable and sustainable pensions scheme for workers in Ghana, a nine-member Presidential Commission on Pensions was set up by His Excellency Mr. John Agyekum Kufour in 2004 and tasked to examine existing pension schemes in Ghana and in countries of comparable...
Popularity of the cryptocurrency concept in the global financial community has surged in recent years. Patrons of the novel digital currencies have increased in recent periods. The term cryptocurrency comprises two significant words. These include ‘crypto’ and ‘currency’. The term crypto connotes ‘hidden’ while currency could be described as...
Media experts at a public forum have advocated for the use of strategic communication as the foundation for nation building. The public forum is the first in a series of public lectures and forums being organized by the Department of Communication Studies, University of Ghana, to mark its year-long...
In the past, having a strong brand name and reputation was enough to keep customers happy. Today, they crave personalization and convenience in every interaction they have with a company across different channels. Positive word-of-mouth is now of paramount importance, as it contributes to leads and facilitates conversions, whereas...
Before the internet, we could only trade face-to-face and through traditional forms of communication. Now, with the pervasive digital space and electronic payment systems, we can order our favourite skin care products or download music online from the comfort of our homes. We are living in a new reality...
By Tshidi RAMOGASE, Chief Public Affairs International Women’s Day highlights the private sector's crucial role in advancing the economic inclusion of women in Africa. At Coca-Cola Beverages Africa (CCBA), we use our industry leadership to be part of the solution for positive change on the African continent. We aim to create...