Africa is a continent with extraordinary economic potential despite its continual underdevelopment. Notwithstanding its prodigious youthful population, diversified cultures and vast array of natural resources, Africa has encountered a multitude of obstacles in its endeavour to exploit its economic legacy. In recent times, there has been an increasing emphasis...
Success, they say, is not a race and everyone has their own pace and rhythm. Every individual has a unique set of abilities, strengths and weaknesses; and by accepting and understanding these, one can create a plan for success that works better for him or her. This understanding, the astute...
– stop destroying yourself Some years ago, we were excited to be moving house as a young couple. We decided to refurbish the chairs in our living room so that they would look nice and new. The task was given to a man I will call Zorad, who was recommended...
“We bled Africa for four centuries; we looted their raw materials, then we told them lies that the African is good for nothing. In the name of religion, we destroyed their culture; we became rich at their expense. We now steal their brains through education and propaganda to prevent...
"If you blame others for your failures, do you credit them with your success?" - Author Unknown Dear Readers, last week, I examined the blame game in risk management and it came out clearly that risk should be owned by all staff, and not just the “Responsible Persons” in charge...
Millet United States Department of Agriculture states that millet is a cereal grain that belongs to the Poaceae family, commonly known as the grass family. In its origin, Nithiyanantham et al. (2019) found that millet is highly eaten in developing countries throughout Africa and Asia.  Though it resembles a seed, millet’s nutritional...
The topic of automation and artificial intelligence replacing jobs is a recurring one in an ever-increasingly automated world. In this final part of the three-part series, we will help you understand which jobs are at risk; whether or not yours is on the chopping-block and how you stay relevant. I...
…Analytics using AI for anti-financial crime processes in banks The financial services industry faces a significant challenge in preventing money laundering due to manual, repetitive and data-intensive tasks that are ineffective. AI has the potential to enable a quantum leap in AML and provide a means to scale and adapt...
Not only does the ongoing rapid cedi depreciation constitute Ghana’s biggest economic challenge, but the trend could also become a threat to national stability if not checked. The exchange rate is the price of foreign currency in terms of domestic currency. It can be rigidly fixed or freely determined by...
The Spanish Embassy in Ghana has launched a book on Ghana's heritage, with a call for collaboration and innovation to preserve and promote the country's heritage. The book which is funded by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), is a joint initiative by UNESCO, the Embassy of...