The global landscape of insurance is undergoing a transformative shift with the adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standard 17 (IFRS 17). This landmark accounting standard promises greater transparency and consistency in reporting insurance contracts. However, it is disconcerting to note that many insurance firms in Ghana find themselves grappling...
Barack Obama’s nomination as the first black nominee of a major party and subsequently, first African American president of the nation was a moment of national and historical significance. Bawumia’s election as the standard bearer of the NPP may not have the same magnitude or racial connotations but from an ethnic...
Years of experience have always been an advantage when applying for a job. There are job openings where even a specific number of years is required. Without those number of years of experience, candidates would not even be invited for an interview. Interestingly, just this past week, after the embarrassing...
Today, in a crescendo of passion and dedication, Emmanuella Yamoah proudly unveils PR Playbook Central, a pulsating digital hub destined to redefine the very essence of communication, public relations, and media insights. Far beyond the confines of a typical blog, PR Playbook Central is a fervent declaration. It's a space...
Financial literacy is often thrown around, but what does it truly encompass? Financial literacy is the ability to understand and manage your money effectively. It is the knowledge and skills that empower you to make informed financial decisions, navigate complex financial products, and ultimately achieve your financial goals. Whether...
By Katharina PISTOR American Big Business is in the process of writing off democracy, or so it seems. Stephen Schwarzman of Blackstone, the real-estate investment/private-equity conglomerate, is only the latest business leader to endorse Donald Trump’s candidacy for the presidency. The CEOs of major oil companies have done the same,...
By Justice S K Date(Prof) This article is an edited reproduction of the original paper prepared and delivered at the inaugural Annual Public Lecture in honour of the late Kojo Bentsi-Enchill, organised by the Bentsi-Enchill, Letsa and Ankomah law firm. INTRODUCTION Last week the historical context and development of the Corporate...
Speaking of millions of millionaires, I am not blind to the billions of people currently suffering from the harsh economic effects of this pandemic. I am merely recognising the fact that I can confidently say that you reading this article right now are into some form of ‘business’, or...
When did spelling bees start?  Why is it spelling ‘bee’? Why did you decide to run a national spelling bee?  Why do all Spellers ask, “May I have the origin of the word?” These are questions I get whenever I tell tweenagers what I do.  Everyone seems intrigued with this...
“There is going to be digitization of the workforce in a way we have never seen before. In 10 years, probably less, we will have substantially fewer employees, and the ones we do have will be significantly different from what we have now”.—Director, Bank Governance Leadership Network, This...