On August 1, 2023, Donald J. Trump, former President of the United States, was indicted on charges of attempting to thwart the will of the American people (as expressed in their votes) to overturn the election results. Mr. Trump attempted to thwart their will by getting the courts to discount...
The Bank of Ghana has defended its breach (in 2022) of the limit on lending to government by appealing to section 30(6) of the Bank of Ghana Act (2002): "*In the event of any emergency*, the Governor, the Minister and the Controller and Accountant-General shall meet to decide the...
Climate change is tagged these days as one of the most pressing challenges of our time, requiring innovative and sustainable solutions. One such solution that scientists have unearthed is biomimicry, a concept that involves imitating natural processes, systems and elements to solve human challenges. The question is: is there...
In recent years, the landscape of business has undergone a seismic shift; largely driven by the relentless wave of digital disruption. The rise of online shopping giants like Amazon, Alibaba and eBay has reshaped traditional retail models. Streaming platforms such as Netflix have revolutionised the entertainment and music industries. Ride-sharing...
The whole thing has been hurriedly and shoddily done. When you have such a huge dependence on imported products, you can only replace them in stages. There are some very basic things that we don’t have the competence to do now, but we can plan our next steps. Take...
Recently, I came across reports from the Institute of Customer Service Professionals (ICSP) that shed light on a pressing issue affecting Ghana's economic backbone - the services sector. The revelation is stark: poor customer service is causing the sector to sputter, a critical concern considering it contributes nearly half...
By Bertha Ama SPARKS There is no gainsaying that, “Women's rights are human rights” (Hillary Clinton, 1995) therefore, it is incomprehensible that the full realization of the rights of women is often met with adversities. Regrettably in Ghana, one of such adversities is culture. Leslie White describes culture as a “behaviour...
‘Even if everyone is doing it, wrong is never right” - Russel M. Nelson Interesting feedback Dear Reader, I am sure last week’s article might have stirred up some emotions in some of you. I thank Readers for the feedback given to me. Let me repeat last week’s quote from Rick...
Dear Readers, this is my final article on the subject. The need for multi-disciplinary knowledge and experiences are so valuable in this modern age, where working dynamics continue to change rapidly. Moreover, artificial intelligence which has disrupted many workplaces and jobs, demand that employees must continue to update and...
By Lewis OPUNI FRIMPONG In the corporate arena, organizing a team towards projects, sales objectives and targets has never been an easy task. This is undoubtedly so because getting tasks, projects and jobs executed requires team member efforts that are not only synchronized in commitment but also in competence. While it may...