“Wisdom is something we acquire through learning; it is not something we buy.” – Akan proverb My dear Selfish Self, I have had to push myself to write to you; because now, more than ever, you need a renewed sense of purpose. Maybe you are not aware of how your utterances...
…a female leader managing four female employees should be managing between thirty to sixty emotions, averaging forty-five emotions on a daily basis The month of October reminds the world of the Global Customer Service Week. In all of it, business owners, business managers and employees are all reminded to put...
…ensuring fuel price stability Ghana's downstream oil and gas sector stands as a cornerstone of its economic development - providing the energy needed to power industries, transportation networks and households across the nation. Ensuring the continued vitality of this sector is of paramount importance to Ghana's economic stability. At...
Building and sustaining a customer-centric culture to align with market needs The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic’s effects on tourism have been very significant, leading to a fall in the number of visitors over the past year or so. It is reported that in 2020 over 39,000 people visited the country...
Still Greece Greece is no nation… At this point in their history, Greece was no nation. It consisted of, as discussed last week, a series of city-states dwelling severally on their respective lands. If written history is to be the ultimate source of validity, then we will say that beginning...
Adam Smith defined economics as “an inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations”. This definition is centred on quantitative development that involves the physical edifices around us. Smith’s critiques said that: “He over-emphasised the material aspects of well-being and ignored the non-material aspects. It was...
The current set of circumstances create an ecosystem that happens to be the perfect condition for some enterprises to thrive and thrive really well. But that’s like discussing all the benefits of fire while your house is burning to ashes. It wouldn’t be the best time, would it? Nonetheless,...
“Banking is necessary, Banks are Not.” ― Bill Gates As a regular facilitator of training programs, I regularly encounter bankers who have no inclination of the effect that the fourth revolution is having on their jobs. Sometimes I jokingly describe my perception of some of their routine daily activities, ” Debit, Credit,...
It’s that time of the year again! Businesses are in the process of finalising their annual plans for next year. Different companies use different processes to build their plans, but in the end they are all just trying to answer one simple question - what should we do next...
By E. Maaweh TANGA In a fragmented world, fraught with conflict, insecurity, and a tense global political landscape, interconnectivity and digital integration remain on a growth trajectory. Digital technologies are redefining human relationships in ways that were once only possible in the complex minds of futuristic movie directors. The year-on-year growth...