Domelevo, Amidu and Despite. Three strong men navigating weak institutions. The first is an Auditor General seeking prosecutorial power to reinvigorate the state purse; the second is a Special Prosecutor with a reputation for integrity; and the third is a gender award winning businessman putting some of his fortune...
  “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil but because of those who look on and do nothing” Albert Einstein Dear readers, last week I looked at the issue of whistle blowing by bank staff in banks and how real it is on the ground....
  Raila Odinga. The People’s President of Kenya?  I watched a video where Mr. Odinga inaugurated himself as a President of a nation that had already elected President Uhuru Kenyatta. Confused? Aren’t we all! What a wow! This is an extraordinary series of events. Kenya ignited global headlines when post 8 August 2017...
When the Auditor General's (AG) statutory report on the spend by Ministries, Municipalities and District Assemblies (MMDAs) in 2016 is officially presented to Ghana's Parliament in February, 2018, it will come with the usual litany of unapproved payments, contracts backdated to cover work shoddily done, late and overpriced, good...
  Remember Steve Harvey? In case you don’t, he is the television personality who made global headlines for announcing the wrong winner of the Miss Universe 2015 pageant. He initially called Miss Colombia as the winner because of a communication error with his producer. Realizing his error, he went back onto...
On the back of the successful ruling in September 2017 at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Seas to define Ghana's maritime boundaries with the Ivory Coast, more news. Subject to Parliamentary approval, this is virtually assured (the government has a majority in the House, the Legislature generally...
When Parliament resumes sitting in Ghana's teeming capital on Tuesday January 23rd, 2018, the 275 legislators, drawn from 10 regions - particularly because we are a deeply partisan nation, in the eye, again of an economic windfall - will address a number of issues that citizens and investors, domestic...
The headline sounds very obnoxious right? Working in the UK during my specialization was an insight into what the life of a doctor should ideally be. When I clock into work, I know I am on call. You are handed the beep and it runs your life. Immediately it...
For a large number of people around the globe, alcohol is an integral part of their lives. People consume alcohol when they are joyful, gloomy, infuriated, disheartened, and sometimes without any reason. Though moderate alcohol consumption may have substantial health benefits, there’s a definite responsibility attached to its ingestion....
Technology is an essential part of our lives today and only few people can imagine living without it. In the era of rapidly changing technology nearly every business has been affected in various ways. HR has always been the most crucial part of any business, as finding the right...