…Yeboah et al.(2019) study found that locally made kokonte has a glycemic index of 7,  and groundnut soup has 4. This means that eating kokonte and groundnut is a superior food. Recently, I wrote about kokonte and why it has the potential to reduce colon cancer. The article further highlights...
One day that bad guy Met that wrong guy Oh what a lesson he learned That every road has a turn 1 On a walk along a crowded city sidewalk One good guy was just minding his own business One bad guy walked in the opposite direction Looking for a weakling to mess up Unexpectedly there was a...
Let’s take the Sustainable Development Goals pledge together. Pledge with me to make sustainability a priority personally. Pledge with me, “I understand that my actions, behaviours and choices make an impact on society, the environment and our economy. I pledge to make intentional choices that will benefit the quality...
“I am not African because I was born in Africa but because Africa was born in me” – Dr. Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah The Africa we want is possible and attainable; we need a change of mindset to accept this reality. I want to encourage you to see the glass as half-full...
One advantage entrepreneurs of our time have is innovation.  The scientific community today has created a platform for innovation, especially among young people. And so young men and women of our time who venture into entrepreneurship are making things through technology and innovation.  Today, in this economic crisis Ghana...
“At your greatest moment, be careful, that’s when the Devil comes for you.” This was the caution Academy-Award Winning Actor Denzel Washington gave to Actor Will Smith minutes after Will shocked the world (and himself) by upstaging the biggest night of Hollywood with a single act of insane indiscipline...
“There are, as with any good plan, a few pillars, five of them,” Blinken said. “We will build our capacity and expertise in the areas that will be critical to our national security in the years ahead, particularly climate, global health, cybersecurity in emerging technologies, economics, and multilateral diplomacy.” The...
Cocoa Diaries interview with CFAN President continues. Continued from Part One: Further in the conversation, I asked about their overarching goals with this revival. I wanted to understand where their focus was. On whether they were going to repeat Ghana’s mistakes of prioritising the political benefits and any benefit to the...
Last week, I shared thoughts on the 5 C’s for a great employee (Competence, Character, Culture, Calling and Chemistry). Over the next five weeks, I will be expanding on each one of the C’s, not only on what they mean but also on strategies for assessing whether the employee...
According to IMF (Policy Paper No. 2021/071) posited that the key to determining whether or not domestic debt should be part of a sovereign restructuring is weighing the benefits of the lower debt burden against the fiscal and broader economic costs of achieving that debt relief. The fiscal costs...