In the quadrennial jubilee of the land It is customary to receive free from their filled hand In the season of freebies There is a reason to be part of a donation spree But who serves a free lunch? In her eighties and infirm Had been homeless too for a time Had been so for more...
Seeing the bigger picture beyond the shores and focusing on where the sea meets the sky at all times, is a beautiful mind exercise Sometimes you need just one ‘good’ experience to wake the leader in you. It may not be a beautiful experience but a story that may leave...
The fastest-growing Ghanaian local language television channel, Onua TV, is set to celebrate its first anniversary this month. Onua TV is a subsidiary of Ghana’s leading media company, Media General and positioned to project Ghanaian values and culture. Onua TV was launched on August 10, 2019, in the Ashanti Region during...
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about or created a lot of uncertainty, which is making it difficult for businesses to predict the future in terms of their business operations. With a lot of lockdown restriction imposed by government(s) and closure of non-essential businesses, business executives are worried about their...
“God gives us the opportunity to choose what we want and the choices determine the outcome of our lives.” Junction A junction is a place where two or more roads meet. It is a place of options. It is a place of decisions and a place of choice. It is a...
If there is one thing that has come to stay in this mobile-crazy world, it is the advent of new terms every now and then. Many of us are learning how to WFH and this means we have to ensure that at every point in time we have enough...
Does it really matter? Imagine a situation where you have spent a fortune manufacturing a product, does it not make sense to invest in an experience that complements the investment? It only takes a fraction of that investment to transform the way customers perceive your brand. An additional process...
A crucial part of effective communication is confidence. The effect of a message can impact differently because of the energy that it carries; the way and manner in which it is said. Confidence is an expression of how we feel inside about ourselves and on a daily basis, the...
A bond is typical fixed-income security that offers a fixed or guaranteed rate of return to the investor over a specified period of time. Nevertheless, the risk and return characteristics of individual bond investments vis-a-vis bond mutual funds are not the same. Depending on the peculiar investment objectives, some...
“By the time the fool learns the game, the players have dispersed.” – Akan proverb If the history of human relationships teaches us anything at all, it is that the way we project ourselves to the world determines how the world treats us. It is this insight that propelled Anthony...