Our unforgettable today is Jean Baptiste Colbert. He is one of those who made their way to the list of unforgettables not for ideas but for practice. Jean Baptiste Colbert did not sit to put together a body of thoughts or ideas. He did not write essays nor teach in...
When Pablo Escobar held sway in Colombia as the eminence grise of the cocaine trade, he would apparently offer anyone who stood in his way.  'Silver or lead - take a bribe or take a bullet'.  A compelling business proposition, to anyone, then or now, presented with these hypnotic...
I don’t need one you say? Well stay with me for a while and we will get to know the value of property managers and their cousins, facility managers. We will also highlight in what particular circumstance you will require their service and which of them best suites your...
We have heard from Parliament, we have heard from former president Mahama, and we have heard from the President.  What we have right now is a Byzantine Generals problem, where half the generals want one course of action and the other half want an opposite course but the people...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a revolutionary technology that is transforming various aspects of our lives. Its potential for disruption is particularly notable in the economic landscape. By augmenting human capabilities, AI has paved the way for ground-breaking advancements and opened up new possibilities across industries and professions....
Technology is an essential part of our lives today and only few people can imagine living without it. In the era of rapidly changing technology nearly every business has been affected in various ways. HR has always been the most crucial part of any business, as finding the right...
Different research studies have shown that, the best performing corporates, individuals and groups are the ones who have been able to combine hard and soft skills effectively. It is key that as individuals who want to grow our careers, entrepreneurs who want to grow ourselves, and our businesses and...
Last week when I wrote about my failure to explain to my 5 year old daughter what ‘Pie R Square’ means and I have been dodging her since then, her mother drew her attention to the article and my daughter couldn’t help laughing. Herh, Makafui, ‘what do you mean’?...
In last week’s article, Lionel unpacked the initial phases of the ambitious plan for building a billion-dollar business: including the array of market complexities that awaited him in his new role; unexpected failure; and the important lessons he quickly learnt from the early setback. In this week’s article – the...
Collective identities and trauma memories are intricately entwined in our time. For example, the memories of past and present victimization serve as the foundation for the collective identities of the majority of ethnic minorities. Likewise, social trauma victims and their descendants frequently use explicit and purposeful remembering to empower...