“The one nearest to the enemy is the real leader.” – Ugandan proverb My dear Christian, I know we are still welcoming a heart-warming New Year and we are all into feeling good and having a positive attitude. We need to maintain this momentum all-year-round. However, I have had to reach...
Oh yes, Part 2 of this series did happen weeks back. You may have missed it because there was no print edition of the Business & Financial Times on that day—the 11th of January. That being the case, ‘Attempted Prophecies’ did not appear in print. So, kindly take some...
On building a great nation “Do not allow the belly to make you useless.” – Maasai Proverb We can make our nation great and strong if we really desire to. Not only is this statement true, but it also holds a lot of weight. We live in a society that is...
…the story behind Maku Foods Among other factors, we eat three or more times a day in order to survive. However, given how crucial it is to maintain a healthy diet and keep track of what you put into the body, Maku Foods - a food business that sprouted during...
Before you provide response to this question, you need to ask yourself the following: What could go wrong while you are on your trip? Do you have any medical insurance to cover your emergency medical bills in the event of accident while overseas? If no, will you be in...
…Who is responsible for employees’ injuries at the workplace? Is it the employer or employee? This article will help you answer these questions and also provide more insight into workmen’s compensation policy/employer’s liability policy and its benefits. Does your business need a workmen’s compensation policy? The answer to this question is...
The government of Ghana’s domestic debt management plan is getting murkier each day, and is dotted with uncertainties. From Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta’s highly-trumpeted announcement that Ghana would not go to IMF for a bailout then resorting to it – and the unfolding debt management plan, it appears something...
As I sat down quietly to listen to a radio conversation about the current Finance Minister’s position over his decision to initially reject the IMF programme but subsequently accept it brought to mind how the game called poker is played. Pot committed is a term used in playing the poker...
…Safe-haven Exclusive Foods shows how One author, Peter Drucker, once said an entrepreneur is “someone who always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity”. This clearly describes the story of Gifty Dede Tetteh Badzi - a mother who in the quest to get her...
The Real Estate industry seems certain to continue being a growth driver of the African economy. The availability of land and the expansion of amenities, driven mainly by the advancement of technology, to the most remote parts of the continent will invite many investors and individuals to explore the...