You think haughty Nature thinks you are naughty You sail from the tail You head for the head Nature needs you led   Your ego bloats Nature blows away your ego You exalt in pride Nature humbles your pride to fall   You rise from the doldrums You rise and you fall And you lament: "Me ampa ara na me nie?" "Oh why me?" What...
The gender pay gap is trending Women on average receive lower wages than men in Ghana Your decision to hire should not be influenced by gender    Is your decision to hire influenced by gender as an employer?  Be agile as the gender pay gap is trending. Labour market...
Inflation, which refers to the rise in prices of goods and services, affects everyone. That notwithstanding, some people are oblivious to its direct impact on our lives. This brings to the fore a phenomenon called 'Money illusion' - which is the tendency to view income and wealth in nominal...
Some few years back, The Ghana Tourism Authority, under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism Arts and Culture, outdoored the ‘See Ghana, Eat Ghana, Wear Ghana, Feel Ghana’ campaign in a bid aimed at igniting the ‘I am Ghanaian spirit’. A friend of mine - a very proud...
As a customer service trainer, I would say that it is important that customer service is seen as a two-way conversation. Customer service provides the opportunity for an organisation to get close to their customers and improve upon the services they provide. I often get asked: “What is the...
Tourism is an imposing, outstanding, indispensable and holistic multi-million dollar universal industry that is founded on natural, man-made, cultural and heritage resources. It has consistently contributed substantially both tangibly and intangibly to the current global socio-economic outlook and order since the turn of the millennium over two decades ago and...
It’s no doubt that funding or financing of businesses has been identified as a top bottleneck for businesses of all sizes, irrespective of location, region, and or industry. This is supported by centuries of surveys conducted to ascertain the challenges that businesses face. All businesses, regardless of size, require cash to...
Be unique and intentional about winning the hearts and minds of your customers The experience you deliver to your customers is unique. Truth is no two companies, however identical their products and services are, deliver comparable experiences. Several factors underlie this assertion, such as the culture of the organisation,...
Imagine how Noah must have felt. There he was, having been given a vision of the future, building an ark in a land where flooding was unheard of. He must have heard what they said about him behind his back as he toiled to build what some might have...
I have heard people talk about their businesses hitting the rocks year on year due to the high cost of operations. From high taxes to high cost of utilities and the never-ending saga from regulators, if a business is to survive in Ghana the owners must take a keen...