... for the so-called competing interest conundrum of shareholders, customers and other stakeholders Most entrepreneurs, being experienced as they are, obviously won’t be oblivious of the constant and never-ending struggles almost every business face. Those who can adapt in today’s highly competitive business environment will in no doubt survive,...
More critical than ever, consumers have become particular and discerning about brands. Consumers make purchasing decisions with brands that they feel are dedicated to giving back, particularly with causes they also believe in and support. We can all attest that we live in an age when customers and consumers...
The invention that had the greatest impact on Mother Earth in the past two centuries is the light bulb. With the successful invention of the light bulb, entire industries were created, living patterns and work patterns changed (people no longer had to go to bed at sundown anymore), productivity...
Last Thursday, 6 October 2022, was a memorable day. There was a second Customer Experience Conference taking place at the Labadi Beach Hotel Accra. This follows the first of its kind run last year at the same venue. In attendance were major industry players actively engaged in Customer Experience,...
…the story behind Eden Bars So, in a night-life hangout in Ghana there’s a familiar scene that plays out: A group of people, laughing, chatting and clinking glasses for a toast. Couples cozy up to each other and strangers buy one another drinks. But the catch this time is -...
The malfunctioning of the government bond market in a developed economy is an early warning of potential financial instability. In the United Kingdom, the new government’s proposed ‘mini-budget’ raised the spectre of unsustainable sovereign debt, and led to a dramatic widening in long-term gilt yields. Recognising the systemic importance...
“Sport has the power to change the world”---Nelson Mandela, Former South African President We might not think sustainability and sport have much in common but Nelson Mandela would undoubtedly disagree. As Nelson Mandela famously said: “Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It...
“A proverb is the mirror of the community.” – African proverb The search for trust no doubt counts among the best and most wonderful qualities sought in our long search for a better world. We know, to the point where it has almost become instinctual, that for any honourable human...
Verdant Ventures (VV) has entered into a strategic partnership with Ghanaian developer Dara Salam Group (DSG) to launch a high-end diplomatic residential project, targetted to start in February 2023. The project will see the construction of 106 world-class units comprising two-, three- and four-bedroom apartments and penthouses built to international,...
Background According to Wikipedia, the generic meaning of the word ransom is the payment made to a captor for the release of a captive (person) or a valuable. This meaning does not differ in the world of cybersecurity since the concept remains that a captor (cybercrime actor) captures the data...