The call for today’s marketers to embrace digital power is profound in many ways. There has never been a more important time to have that discussion than now. Marketers today face constant pressure to get more done. At the heart of all modern-day marketing efforts must sit an intentional...
Smart look up The dyscalculic learner has: a dearth in the brain’s ability to process number-related information. trouble with mathematics operations, memorising multiplication tables and understanding mathematics concepts the tendency to grab mathematic concepts with the right teaching methods and materials Throughout my basic and secondary school, I was scared of figures, numbers...
Unleashing the Magic Bullet for Cost Reduction Over the last six episodes, we've delved into the science and practice of Lean and Six Sigma (LSS). We have created a road map for organisations interested in embarking on this journey. The LSS imperative is more important now than ever. We're...
…Giving feedback to those who give feedback In the early months of 2012, a friend I had not heard from in ages, called out of the blues. His reason for calling was that he had a bone to pick with me. Why? His issue was that this particular column, which...
: Get consumers to advertise your brand through pictures/videos on social media Advertising is expensive! Bummer: it will only get worse as your audiences insist on being different and having different media tastes and needs. And it doesn’t help the fact that when you advertise on social media, consumers can...
That the ‘customer is king’ and customer experience (CX) is the new battleground for businesses to compete is not lost on business leaders. Excellence in customer experience has a direct impact on the bottom line, business growth, and return to shareholders. This fact has been well documented. But what...
…as Ghana exports nurses Recently, I watched a video of Ghanaian nurses’ arrival in the Caribbean country of Barbados to practice their profession. This follows a bilateral agreement between the Governments of Ghana and Barbados for Ghana to supply nurses to boost the Caribbean country’s health sector. According to the...
The present-day branch managers, sometimes known as Business Managers or Branch Sales and Service Managers, are no longer the stereotype of an unseen and illusive boss behind a closed door. The image of the bank manager is changing rapidly as a result of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, with its...
Communication is one of the most important keys I hammer on in my coaching and all my speaking engagements. If you are familiar with my engagements, you would have noticed that I always emphasize communication, communication and more communication as key to all levels of relationships. When it comes...
The US Federal Reserve’s aggressive monetary-tightening campaign has squeezed economies worldwide, particularly in the developing world. With the dollar appreciating sharply against their currencies, many emerging and developing economies have experienced rapid increases in borrowing costs and consumer prices - leaving local policymakers with little choice but to raise...