“The chicken is never declared innocent in the court of hawks.” – Ghanaian proverb Thanks to our senses, we can detect and understand all the stimuli around us. They allow us to feel and receive information about what goes on around us; and then we are able to process that information...
Private companies are the creation of laws – permitting their legal status, existence, nature of operation and management.  In the process, regulatory compliance demands are imposed on companies to facilitate their continuous legal approval and operations. Generally, all private companies are required to perform some regulatory obligations only varying in...
…Dealing with customer incivility Sometimes. Just sometimes, you wonder if all is well with some people. You sometimes witness the behaviour of certain people and you cannot help but wonder if all is well with them. There have been a couple of times, during my days at the front line...
One of the strategies of most tax organisations - including OECD, ATAF, WATAF and Oxfam - has been to proffer best practices for reducing tax evasion and abuse of tax incentives to the barest minimum. This has necessitated most of these organisations to offer technical support to countries -...
General Liability (GL) which is also called Commercial General Liability (CGL) insurance is not a bundled or an Umbrella Liability cover. GL or CGL provides coverage to a business for bodily injury, property damage, personal and advertising injury against third parties, as a result of the business operations of...
During the 36th Ordinary Session of the African Union Assembly, the Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development in partnership with the World Health Organisation (WHO) seeks to work towards the reduction of communicable diseases including HIV/AIDS in Africa. It was noted that the pandemic was raging worldwide...
As part of effort to strengthen working relationships and collaborative efforts among queen mothers, traditional leaders and stakeholders in the agribusiness community, Agrihouse Foundation, last week, held the 5th edition of its annual ‘Gathering of the Royals and Stakeholders Meeting’ in Accra. This year’s event was on the theme: ‘Championing...
"There is more to a brand promise than just delivering a product or service. It's about creating a memorable customer experience." - Bernard Kelvin Clive We live in a world where brands have become essential to our daily lives. Whether it's billboards or social media posts, we're constantly bombarded by...
…dealing with the stress of customer participation Co-production of services, the phenomenon whereby customers play an active role in the production of services they patronise, is here to stay. It is a fact. More than ever, customers are contributing to decisions that affect them. Customers are having their say in...
Driving a car at top speed can be fun and deadly. Last Saturday I was driving at 160km/h and suddenly I heard a voice from the skies that said to me: “Mawuli, my ‘daughter, , you want to come home? Then continuue”. It was then I realized my st**idity....