Demeter Ghana Limited has firmly reiterated its commitment to sustain practical field demonstrations that provide farmers across the country with the right knowledge on how to use crop fertiliser and other inputs produced and supplied by the company. In an interview at this year 12th Pre-Harvest Agribusiness Conference and Exhibitions,...
The escalating Sino-American rivalry and the broader concerns about China’s economy have caused Western firms to reevaluate their operations there – and rightly so. Given the uncertainty surrounding President Xi Jinping’s economic policies and geopolitical intentions, it may be time for investors and corporate leaders to consider scaling back...
It is perplexing how Africa keeps developing educational policies that never see the light of day. There are various initiatives that, if adopted, might improve our educational quality, and thereby reduce unemployment. The problem is that policies are created by people who do not teach in classrooms and have little...
….Assessing the impact of leadership approach in service experience Leadership is cause: everything else is effect. This statement, attributed to the venerable Professor Stephen Adei is and will continue to be true. The plethora of concepts, ideas, theories and even schools of thought on the subject of leadership is enough...
To present and future customers, It has been a little over a year since I assumed my position as Country Manager for Bolt. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude on behalf of the entire Bolt Ghana Team for your custom and feedback in making Bolt the leading ride-hailing...
The African continent is widely considered retail’s next big gold rush based on its population of 1.4 billion people, which includes more than 500 million Internet users and over 330 million eCommerce consumers. Additionally, with 19 of the top-20 fastest-growing countries in the world, the continent’s trade landscape is...
The IMF Deputy Managing Director, Antoinette M. Sayeh, has touchingly stated that: “Countries that have strong economic institutions respond more effectively to crises and are better prepared for a resilient recovery. And that is true across any level of development”. We are told by the IMF that the excruciating economic...
According to the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act, 2010 (Act 798) (‘the ADR Act’), Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a collective description of methods for resolving disputes other than the normal traditional court system. ADR has proven to be an effective means of resolving tax disputes. In other jurisdictions such...
Sixty-five years ago, our nation was born. It was born out of indomitable courage in the face of colonialism and imperialism. It was born through shared struggle, bloodshed and tears. And it was born on the backs and hopes of ordinary Ghanaians. I was 13 years old at the time...
In September 2022, the United Nations organised a summit to discuss how to stop the global educational systems from collapsing in the wake of difficulties in the global economy. The summit, titled ‘Transforming Education Summit 2022: Global mobilisation to save educational systems’, provided an opportunity for global citizens to...