Headline news.  Ghana's big push to attract investment from Asia - Japan, Singapore and China - is well underway. At a breakfast meeting held in Accra on Friday, December 15th, 2017, the Minister of Finance, Ken Ofori-Atta, announced that "we are today examining the possibilities of arranging for a total...
Meridian Port Services (MPS) has taken delivery of the first unit out of two Mobile Harbour Cranes (MHC). The Crane arrived on 8th December 2017 and it is currently being commissioned by the manufacturers’ engineers expected to be put into operations after completing the training in the coming two weeks....
It is almost impossible to see the logic in Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, argues Shibley Telhami, a Senior Fellow at the Centre for Middle East Policy. But if Trump’s undoing of decades of U.S foreign policy stance on Jerusalem is an illogical aberration,...
He For She. Two million Ghanaian boys and men mobilized to pledge support in the fight for gender equality. That’s this campaign’s aim. It was launched on the 2nd day of a High Level Africa Roundtable on Mobilizing Support and Accelerating Implementation of the SDGs. It comes in the week...
The excitement you feel within when you've got something unique building up your sleeves; it can feel like a first-time mom itching to hold her baby tight with so much love. At the same time, it can also feel like a heavy bag of burdens braced with uncertainties and...
To heighten awareness about biotechnology among key stakeholders, the National Biosafety Authority (NBA) - under the auspices of the Ghana Chapter of the Open Forum on Agriculture Biotechnology (OFAB), and the African Agriculture Technology Foundation (AATF) in Kenya - have organised a sensitisation workshop in Accra for a cross-section...
When we look at our everyday lives - from childhood to adulthood - we all seem to have asked one question in situations where we do not understand something. And that question is simply: WHY? We all ask ‘why’ because we seek to understand. WHY has become a most...
Before 2017 ends, don't let the negative appraisal or negative opinion of your supervisor or superior or manager or boss or employer of your competence or skills define your sense of self-worth. Let it not cause you to doubt the dreams you have, or dilute the aspirations you have...
                          ...the Causes of Errors and Financial Losses It is said that silence is golden…is it, always? Of course not. Have you ever regretted not asking for explanations to instructions given you at work? For Christians, even though we should have absolute and child-like faith in God and trust Him,...
The newly-elected President of the Institute of Human Resources Practitioners, Ghana (IHRMP), Dr. Edward Kwapong has said that to be relevant to industry, HR practitioners must welcome professional certification and say goodbye to raw academic qualifications. Dr. Kwapong said this when he delivered his speech at the 9th Graduation Ceremony...