No! I haven’t got a penchant For words like tough or rough I haven’t got the energy To give bad times A solemn name or an act of tame I only have the will To smile for a while And to dance away the night, for a worthy stance. . . Mama looked on gleefully as I recited...
There has been an increase in demand for reusable, non-medical face masks made from African print, as the nation intensifies efforts to curtail the spread of the deadly Covid-19 virus. This comes as the President issued a directive requiring the mandatory use of face masks by all individuals in public...
A few weeks ago, about 10 of the world’s biggest and greatest nations had to shut down. Life had come to a standstill. The news of uncertain times was all over the air waves and businesses started falling apart. How does one operate anything successfully without close human contact?...
Counterproductive work behaviour (CWB) can been defined as those acts of volition committed by employees that hurt, or are intended to hurt an organisation, and its stakeholders, including customers, fellow employees, suppliers and distributors, debtors and creditors, etc. Every different employee has a unique way of exhibiting CWB. Therefore,...
Need I talk about Covid-19 and its scare on the world? No single publication can aptly encapsulate the devastating effect of Covid-19 in the world. Perhaps a good report on Covid-19 will be to zero in on individual sectors of the economy. Not to lump everything omnibus only to...
It appears to be a journey of no return. Things have changed rather rapidly in all spheres of life across the world, and no business is being spared the effects of sudden changes. It’s also needless to talk about the thousands of lives which have been lost globally within...
Africa as a continent has been suffering some sort of media censorship for decades. This is where the media is suppressed in its speech, public communication, or other information, on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or ‘inconvenient’. Media censorship can also mean the suppression of...
Having already claimed nearly 217,000 lives and sent the global economy toward its deepest slump since the Great Depression, the COVID-19 crisis is bound to reshape geopolitics. While the contours of the post-pandemic order remain to be seen, one thing seems certain: far from normalising their relationship, the United...
One issue that is emerging from COVID-19 management is the need to develop a model for Ghana’s response. Dr. Owusu Sekyere of the Kumasi Research Centre is one researcher who has made a strong case for Ghana to model a system for COVID-19 response. This raises the question of...
Blessed with almost every natural resource that one can think of, Africa has an unenviable record of heavily depending on foreign goods. It has become chronic from governments to governments, and dictators who have been in power for generations have not even the slightest idea of ending it. For decades,...