Do not put all your eggs in one basket is an idiomatic phrase, meaning that one should not focus all his or her resources on one hope, possibility or avenue of success. If you put all your eggs in one basket, you risk everything on a single opportunity which, like...
A few weeks ago - in our December 21st article (, we have talked about NPS (Net Promoter Score) as the de facto standard for measuring Customer Loyalty. In 2008, the CCC (Customer Contact Leadership Council) a division of the Corporate Executive Board (CEB is now part of Gartner) created...
Notwithstanding our best intentions, it’s almost the end of the year and most of us haven’t run a marathon or fixed those uncanny challenges of businesses. 2017 is on its way out, and while much remains the same a lot has changed for the better. What has changed in...
PRH: The Bank of Ghana plays a crucial role in formulating and implementing policy in the banking sector. What are you doing to ensure Ghana’s balanced and sustainable economic growth? Dr. Addison: The core mandate of the Bank of Ghana as the Central Bank is price stability. In broad terms,...
Sobering evidence from Africa illustrates how hard it is to target anti-poverty efforts well It has often been said that the world’s aggregate poverty gap—the total monetary amount by which all poor people fall below the poverty line—is modest when one uses poverty lines typical of low-income countries.  For...
A few weeks ago - in our December 21st article (, we have talked about NPS (Net Promoter Score) as the de facto standard for measuring Customer Loyalty. In 2008, the CCC (Customer Contact Leadership Council) a division of the Corporate Executive Board (CEB is now part of Gartner) created...
What a beginning! A republic’s anniversary, an immigration service professing medical expertise while practicing discrimination and a media house DG declaring new courts of prosecution. Happy New Year. Although January’s beginnings in the world of news in Ghana revealed we are off to a troubling start. The above stories signify...
What a beginning! A republic’s anniversary, an immigration service professing medical expertise while practicing discrimination and a media house DG declaring new courts of prosecution. Happy New Year. Although January’s beginnings in the world of news in Ghana revealed we are off to a troubling start. The above stories signify...
When Lorenzo Fioramonti, a professor of the University of Pretoria, South Africa, began to teach in 2012 he decided to start his course with an analysis of how money affects social order. What his students found particularly fascinating was the then-nascent world of cryptocurrencies, which he described at length...
Richard Gerson once said that to provide great customer service you must employ great people. Great people perfect their acts through continuous training and practice. To be able to understand your customers, meet their needs and go that extra mile to make them happy, you need data. Data about...