#Kwahuandproud: ‘Yenko Kwahu Festival’ and ‘Give Back’ – KPN’s flagship projects


“Yenko Kwahu” which translates to “Let’s Go to Kwahu” is an initiative that was conceived by the Kwahu Professionals Network. The key objectives of the Festival are to create jobs for our kinsmen in Kwahu, market our tourist sites, create a platform for socialization/ networking, and establish another avenue to bring all Kwahus together aside the Easter celebration.

The maiden event was held in September 2019 and has now being instituted as an annual event to be organized at same time every year. It is the first of its kind and also seeks to highlight the many natural resources that Kwahu has as well as celebrate accomplished Kwahu personalities through the various networking events held during the festival. In 2020 however, it did not come on due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Trips and walks to the many beautiful sceneries in Kwahu such as the Mystical Caves, Waterfalls, zipline and other artificially created tourist sites amongst a few are some of the places participants visit during the festival. Touring these sites is a rare privilege as most of these enviable attractions are impossible to find anywhere else on the continent and infact in any part of the world.

Effect of ‘Yenko Kwahu’ on our communities

That this festival, although held once is a critical revenue generating avenue for Kwahu’s economy is not in doubt. It holds great potential for increasing tourist visit and patronage thereby raking in essential revenue for the ordinary trader on the streets of Kwahu to hotel and other hospitality sector entrepreneurs.

At the maiden event for instance, the patronage in night events saw a massive rise especially with the introduction of new hangout spots like ‘Kwahu Bar’, Rock city and Premier which lived up to the bill, presenting nonstop entertainment (live band and DJ) for participants and visitors.

Brands and companies like MTN Ghana, Guinness Ghana Ltd and food start-ups in Kwahu benefited from the festival. It also reinforced Kwahu family reunions and has also presented the opportunity to discuss on community needs, support, and possible areas of collaboration.

The historic palace visits during Yenko Kwahu have also helped the youth to acquire knowledge and appreciate the strong traditions, heritage and culture of the Kwahu people.

The economic impact of the festival is expected to grow to all the decentralized departments as more social organizations are expected to get involved in the sectorial development of Kwahu that would lead to increase in internally generated fund.

The ‘Yenko Kwahu Festival’ is a true national event with an international character, that celebrates our tourism, culture and heritage, with a lot of emphasis on the promotion of Kwahus tourism potentials. This particular festival is to be held annually setting it above all other festivals in Ghana as the most prestigious and most enjoyed tour festival in the country.

‘Kwahu Professionals Network Give Back’ event

KPN’s “Give Back” event is an annual philanthropic health project undertaken by members of the network. The objective is delivering the best of health screening and donation of medicines to a selected Kwahu town every year during the Easter Holidays.

Funding for the maiden edition was sourced from within and without the network. Gifts and support in-kind were also accepted from individuals and institutions. The prime focus of the outreach is mainly to give back to the Kwahu communities, put smiles on the faces of our kinsmen as well as the inhabitants during the festive period and bring the indigenes together for a different Easter experience.

The first KPN Give Back was held in 2019 at Kwahu Bepong in the Kwahu South District. The project screened and donated medicines to over 1000 people, fed over 1,500 children and donated used clothes to children. As part of the Give Back some selected health facilities in Kwahu also benefited in the form of pharmaceutical supplies.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic again, the 2020 did not come on and the 2021 edition will also not come on. However, in 2021, donations received was used to purchase PPEs and given to some hospitals and health centres in Kwahu, including the Atibie Government Hospital, Praso No.2 Clinic, among others.

It is hoped that the project will resume full throttle in 2022 when the pandemic is expected to be over or under complete control.

The Writer:, is the Membership Director of the Kwahu Professionals Network and a native of Kwahu Aduamoa and Twenedurase. He is a Project Management Expert with over 13 years’ experience. He is currently the COO of Yopoo Clean Co. Ltd, manufacturers of cleaning detergents and the CEO of Dansons Investment. Email him at [email protected]


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