Navigating the Twitter bluetick crisis


…how public relations & digital marketing professionals can protect brands and avoid parody accounts

Twitter’s recent decision to remove the blue checkmark verification for certain accounts has sparked some concern among companies and organizations that rely on the social media platform to build their brand and reputation. While Twitter’s move is intended to increase transparency and trust, it also means that some accounts may lose their verified status, making it harder for users to identify their authenticity.

The blue checkmark verification on Twitter was introduced to help users identify the authenticity of an account. It was intended to be used for accounts that are “of public interest” and are likely to be impersonated. However, Twitter has acknowledged that the verification process has been misused in the past, with some users perceiving it as a badge of honour or credibility.

As a result, Twitter is taking a step back and is removing the blue checkmark verification from some accounts. However, Twitter is now offering a new verification system with a gold and grey badge. CEO of Twitter, Elon Musk plans on charging $8 a month for a subscription to Twitter Blue, which includes fewer ads, the ability to post longer videos, priority for posts and a blue check mark.

This new verification system is still in the early stages, but Twitter plans to make it available to more accounts in the future. While this new system may not have an immediate impact on companies and organizations, it could impact their long-term online reputation.

Social media has become a critical tool for brands to connect with their audience, build brand awareness, and engage with customers. Twitter, in particular, has become a popular platform for brands to reach out to their customers, share updates, and build a following. However, Twitter’s recent bluetick crisis has highlighted the importance of protecting brands from parody accounts and other impersonations.

For public relations and digital marketing professionals, the task of protecting a brand from impersonators has become more critical than ever.

Here are some strategies that PR and DM professionals can use to safeguard their brands from parody accounts and other impersonations:

Focus on creating high-quality content: Companies and organizations should focus on creating high-quality content that informs, engages, and adds value to their followers. This will help establish their credibility and authority within their industry, making it easier for users to identify their authenticity.

Engage with their audience: Regular engagement with their audience is key to building a strong online presence. Companies and organizations should respond to tweets, retweet relevant content, and participate in Twitter chats and events to show their followers that they are listening and interested in their opinions.

Leverage other social media platforms: Companies and organizations should also consider leveraging other social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, to build their online presence. These platforms also have verification processes, which can help establish their credibility.

Develop a strong online reputation: Building a strong online reputation can also help companies and organizations establish their credibility and authenticity. This can be achieved by creating a website, guest posting on relevant blogs, and participating in online forums.

Monitor online presence: Regularly monitoring your online presence can help companies and organizations identify potential issues and address them proactively. Social media monitoring tools can be used to track mentions, brand sentiment, and engagement metrics.

Respond quickly to impersonation attempts: If a brand is impersonated, PR professionals should act quickly to respond to the impersonation and report it to the relevant social media platform. This helps to prevent further damage to the brand’s reputation and limit the spread of false information.

Secure your accounts and brand assets: Another important step is to secure your social media accounts. Use strong passwords and two-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized access. PR professionals should ensure that all brand assets, including logos, images, and slogans, are protected and secure You should also consider using a social media management tool that allows you to manage multiple accounts from a single platform.

Use social media verification tools: While Twitter has paused its verification process, there are other social media verification tools like SEON available that PR professionals can use to verify their brand’s accounts. These tools can help to identify fake accounts and protect against impersonations. This helps prevent impersonators from creating fake accounts and using brand assets to deceive customers. This will make it easier to monitor your accounts and ensure that your brand is consistently represented.

Register your trademarks: Registering your trademarks can help you protect your brand on social media. If you have a registered trademark, you can file a complaint with the social media platform to have any parody accounts that use your trademark removed. This can help you avoid any confusion among your customers and prevent damage to your brand.

In addition to these tips, companies and organizations can also take advantage of Twitter’s new gold and grey badge verification system. While it is still in the early stages, this new system could provide another way for companies and organizations to establish their authenticity and credibility on the platform.

Overall, Twitter’s decision to change its verification process may have some implications for companies and organizations. However, by focusing on creating high-quality content, engaging with their audience, leveraging other social media platforms, developing a strong online reputation, and monitoring their online presence, they can continue to build their brand and reputation on Twitter and other social media platforms.

>>>Phoebe Pappoe is a PR and Communications Consultant and can be reached via [email protected] /@Phoebe Pappoe on LinkedIn.

>>>Edward Asare is a Digital Marketer/Communications Professional/Blogger
Connect with Edward Asare on social media @EdwardAsare/ Edward Asare