Let's start with a short story. Success is a very, very lonely road. Very few people are willing to endure the pain and sacrifices...
It was with unexpected confidence that Ghanaian Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, presented his latest budget to parliament last week.
His bold claims to have “turned...
The Kenyan Commercial Bank robbery
“NAIROBI (Reuters) - In a heist reminiscent of a Hollywood movie, Kenyan robbers spent months tunneling into the bowels of...
If you must go to China, for the first time, as I did, then joining the First Lady, Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo, on her first...
A sound and stable financial systems underpin economic growth and development. Financial systems have made possible the expansion of credit.
That is, flow of capital...
Loneliness, defined as an unpleasant emotional condition where a person feels estranged from or rejected by others and feels deprived of secure and close...
“It is not the absence of risk that determines a program’s success but the manner in which risk is identified and managed”
Dear readers, last...
Whenever I have the opportunity to attend or participate in a conference where a wide range of leaders are present, I always expect certain...
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interconnected computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with...
When Pablo Escobar held sway in Colombia as the eminence grise of the cocaine trade, he would apparently offer anyone who stood in his...