Last week, we examined the need for continued assertiveness by bank staff despite the changing scenarios in banking under the new normal. Once again, I wish to emphasize the appreciation of readers to differentiate assertiveness from aggressiveness. When a person acts aggressively, they ignore the feelings of others and...
Saint Jerome, also known as Jerome of Stridon said something and I quote: “Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Till your good is better and your better is best.” In view of this ubiquitous quote, the waste disposal chain should never end at the temporary waste storage units. The...
McCormick and His Company Willoughby M. McCormick is not a name that many instantly recognise. It is not a name that is easily identified with any revolutionary trend in the world of business. However, it should. Because for one thing, the company McCormick started sometime in September 1889 is still...
This week, I observed something interesting that inspired this article. My television was turned on as I was working and as I took a few minutes break, I got lost in an old Olympic race that was showing. It was a 200m hurdle race. The runners were required to...
I have never regreted taking the bold steps to study holistic medicine as my profession. Do you know that about GH¢5,000 worth of herbal raw materials for a single herbal product could generate GH¢500,000 cool profit for you?  Interesting, Chinese and foreign natural medicinal products have infiltrated our market...
The COVID-19 pandemic’s impacts are still evolving and the future is still uncertain.  The various African Government Roadmaps for reopening set out how the COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted on a phased basis. As the nation readies itself to get back to some form of normality, all indications are that ‘new...
It is an undisputable fact that competition exists in every field, and remains an important tool in many industries. Competition leads to innovation, product quality, and improved customer experience among others. Every company in their respective industry is usually compelled to compete for customers and subsequently turn them into loyal...
In 2018, Tesla was marked to lay off approximately 37000 workers. Now, for huge businesses, almost every activity seems big, so layoffs are often expected to have a huge impact. With the emergence of the Personal Computer, IBM's cash cow, the mainframe, was obviously becoming unpopular. Having being affected,...
Not too long ago, when the idea of solar and wind energy was still hotly debated, critics used to point out the limitations of these energy sources: the sun doesn’t always shine and the wind doesn’t always blow. But nowadays many countries’ electricity grids are strongly supplied by renewable...
The COVID-19 crisis is inflicting the most pain on those who are already most vulnerable. This calamity could lead to a significant rise in income inequality. And it could jeopardize development gains, from educational attainment to poverty reduction. New estimates suggest that up to 100 million people worldwide could...