Arts and culture-related industries provide direct economic growth for the state and local communities. They are important complements to community development and enriching local amenities. Arts and culture create job opportunities and also stimulates local economies through consumer purchases and tourism. Tourism centred on culture and arts contributes greatly to...
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”  Winston Churchill ******This article was first published in January 2018********* When one hears the word “risk”, the immediate reaction is “Aw…problems”. This word seems to have a negative perception and is mostly avoided. Seasoned professionals...
When discussing fixed income securities, it is important to differentiate between the interest rate and the yield that is expected to be earned on a particular investment. An investor's yield is a more important consideration than the interest rate a fixed income security is paying. This is primarily due...
…Transforming business models for a new era Nokia was once a dominant force in the mobile phone industry, known for its durable and innovative devices. However, the company failed to recognize the growing importance of smartphones and the shift towards touchscreen technology. While competitors like Apple and Samsung embraced the...
... reneging on leadership adaptability, the bane for corporate ineptitude The predominant nature of the business environment now is characterised by rapid changes and complexities of new challenges, new circumstances and new uncertainties. Business leaders, however, ought to intentionally cultivate the behaviour and drive conversations that would force their organisations...
I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people throwing away things we could use. ---Mother Teresa Environmental integrity means that your actions with regard to the environment match your felt or expressed priorities and values with regard to the environment. It is a condition where the...
By Korsi DZOKOTO The financial results of the Bank of Ghana for the year 2022 raise serious concerns about the institution's management and financial stability. With significant losses and a deteriorating equity position, combined with excessive monetary financing and an inefficient investment portfolio, it is evident that the bank has...
One major challenge the ‘Green Ghana Project’ is facing every year is the sustainability and the protection of the planted trees. We are told about 70 percent of the trees have survived and if that was the case, then we are on track. I went around the places where we...
In the study done in Iraqi city of Erbil referred to above, the researchers looked at different types of layout and whether they had different effects on employees. They looked at the open-plan design were there were individual workstations found inside an open space. The study also considered closed...
…Strategies for financial success in business Budgeting and expense control are two cornerstones of financial management that can significantly impact the success and sustainability of any business. Effective budgeting allows you to plan your finances, allocate resources efficiently, and achieve your financial goals. Expense control ensures that your business operates...