The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was established to ensure global economic stability. This is done by providing financial assistance to countries facing economic difficulties. In recent years, the IMF has been involved in providing bailouts to several African countries that are struggling with their economies. The IMF bailout comes with...
“Whereas the heroic manager of the past knew all, could do all and could solve every problem, the post-heroic manager (strategic leader) asks how every problem can be solved in a way that develops other people’s capacity to handle it.” - Charles Handy (Irish economic and social philosopher) As the...
A key element of a successful negotiation is knowing the value of your expected outcome and the limits of your willingness to agree to a deal. Negotiators need to understand what the optimal terms for an agreement are and when an agreement will be of no benefit. In negotiations, understanding...
Global diversity. It’s a new entry point that’s gaining ground in international corporations and organizations. It’s a buzz word and term that is popping up across the Continent too. As the focus on Diversity and inclusion faces backlash in the US and the UK, organizations are expanding internationally, and...
Executive presence for women leaders I have been asked on several occasions whether the communication from a male leader and a female leader should vary, especially when it comes to nonverbal communication. In many of my articles, I have spoken extensively on the importance of both verbal and nonverbal...
Selling is a people-oriented business that inevitably requires a constant interaction between sales people and a broad array of individuals who vary in their personality types, nature and character. Every individual customer you would encounter is unique, and your failure to understand personality types will make you project your own...
There are so many issues to think about when it comes to planning for and engaging in negotiations. One of the most important things to consider before and during the negotiation process is your ‘BATNA’. Roger Fisher and William Ury coined the term BATNA in their 1981 bestselling book on...
I used to be an avid reader in my ‘saito’ days in elementary school in Kwamo- Kumasi. Those were the days when we were lucky to have met dedicated pupil teachers and Certificate A holders who simply loved the teaching profession, even though they were not highly paid. These were...
Africa. We are a continent of jewels, a dumping ground for waste and a landscape of extraction. This threesome is part of a lingering legacy of culture, enslavement and colonialism that stubbornly persists. Changing it is our work. Challenging it is a necessity. Transforming it is a journey. Let’s talk...
Debt crisis occurs when a country, business or individual has more debt than their income or revenue. Individuals, businesses, and countries all experience debt crises when they miss their way to frugality and keep living on debt irrespective of their poor debt to income ratios. However, a country has...