Excuses people give for not publishing:  I don’t have time! I am too young to publish! I am not an expert in anything to publish! I am not a legend! I am not rich! I am not great at writing! When I retire! I’m too old to start! I...
– stop destroying yourself Some years ago, we were excited to be moving house as a young couple. We decided to refurbish the chairs in our living room so that they would look nice and new. The task was given to a man I will call Zorad, who was recommended...
Advocating a national culture and mindset change in service delivery Last Wednesday, 10th August 2022, I had the rare privilege of attending the launch of the 2nd Customer Service Week dubbed ‘NAKOFEST 2022 in Ghana at the Coconut Grove Hotel. The programme was organised by The Service Excellence...
Desperate times indeed call for desperate measures. This universal yet thought-provoking statement befits the current measures being taken by economies in the world whose downturn have mainly been triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic and further exacerbated by the Russia-Ukraine war. The question, however, is whether it is appropriate to...
Pre-planning and establishing negotiation options allow a negotiating team to weigh alternatives and seek win-win outcomes during deliberations. Today, in both developed and developing economies, a BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) and a ZOPA (Zone of Possible Agreement) are seen as essential for successful negotiation outcomes. Similarly, in...
This article analyses the potential impact of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCTA) on tax revenue mobilisation when fully operational, and measures that can be taken by member-countries to mitigate the impact of shortfall of tax revenue in the short to medium term. AfCFTA is an initiative by African...
This article analyses the potential impact of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCTA) on tax revenue mobilisation when fully operational, and measures that can be taken by member-countries to mitigate the impact of shortfall of tax revenue in the short to medium term. AfCFTA is an initiative by African...
Global Citizen festival. It’s a phenomena that has galvanized global action during its 10-year presence on the stages of New York’s iconic, Central Park. This year one of its homes will be Ghana, and specifically, Accra’s historic ‘Black Star Square’. I was at an introduction session on Global Citizen festival’s...
It has been over a decade since the idea of having a common currency for the countries in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) was first proposed. The idea was that such a currency would have the following advantages: the benefits of economies of scale, free movement...
People may argue that the energy transition to cleaner sources may take about 20 to 25 years before its impact will be significant. The rise in carbon emissions and its impact on the earth is a fuelling factor to this transition that is increasing over time. Even if it takes...