...a path to sustainable success In today's rapidly changing world, businesses are facing increasing pressure to address societal and environmental challenges beyond their profit margins. The concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), and the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) have emerged as powerful frameworks that drive...
– plan and deploy a CX strategy that aligns with the direction of your business In the past few weeks, I have been on ‘Cloud-9’ taking a dip into the CX Masterclass and learning more in-depth about this new journey that has caught my attention in the past three years...
Ghanaian-born Diplomat and Africa Human Development expert Dr. Ishmael Nii Amanor Dodoo has said that the 2024 elections present the opportunity for the country Ghana to be returned to the people through policies and strategies that will put the ownership of the major sectors of the economy in the...
I could feel the audience getting agitated. Their once quiet murmurs were becoming more audible with each passing minute. Standing before us was a speaker whose presentation was being sabotaged by technology, and understandably, she was getting exasperated. Her laptop was connected to the projector via a wireless HDMI transmitter...
The Africa-China Centre for Policy & Advisory (ACCPA), a Sino-African research and policy think tank and advisory firm, recently held a Public Forum on Global Civilization Initiative (GCI) as a new paradigm for building global peace and prosperity. The forum’s central theme was China’s new proposal called the Global Civilization...
During a flight from Nairobi to Bujumbura in 2016, I made friends with a Burundian businessman. He was a jolly fellow, easy to have a conversation with, bubbly and curious. It did not take me long to figure out that this guy was a hustler. His business involved “many...
The Bank of Ghana (BoG) has engaged in an alarming spree of money printing over the past three years, injecting vast sums into the economy under the guise of "monetary inflation" to stimulate growth and reduce unemployment. However, as we will reveal in this article, this policy is far...
Reducing inequalities within and among countries is the tenth goal of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG-10). Inequalities related to income and structural and systemic discrimination are major causes of concern worldwide. They threaten long-term social and economic development, limit poverty reduction and negatively affect opportunities for better livelihoods...
I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people throwing away things we could use. ---Mother Teresa Environmental integrity means that your actions with regard to the environment match your felt or expressed priorities and values with regard to the environment. It is a condition where the...
Effective communication serves as the lifeblood fuelling the success of every thriving organisation. Open and transparent communication within the workplace is paramount to ensure smooth operations, foster collaboration and drive positive outcomes.  It serves as the vital conduit through which ideas, information and feedback flow, facilitating seamless operations, fostering...